an empty promise | Teen Ink

an empty promise

June 26, 2010
By kellygurl365 SILVER, Cave Junction, Oregon
kellygurl365 SILVER, Cave Junction, Oregon
6 articles 0 photos 21 comments

You promised me you would treat me right show me exactly what you didn’t before,
I wanted it to be true I wanted you to hold me again I wanted to be friends it just all collapsed I knew that I was walking on egg shell but I wasn’t careful enough because now I feel everything I felt before I want to curl up in your embrace and say that I am forever yours I want to deal with you I may not be exactly what your looking for but I hope you can see that I fit perfectly in your arms I can make you smile I can make you laugh.

When we’re together I can’t explain it I want to be stuck there,
When we are all done I stand and I am speechless with tears in my eyes because you’re the only thing that I can fully absorb myself in and everything else drifts away
You are my weakness no one will ever fully understand
But after alls said and done I can do nothing to stop what is to come weather I like it or not
I fold perfectly into the far corners of your mind
I hang on desperately
No care slips across your stone cold face. No emotion just you and all that you want the world to see
You will never show the world who you are, only who your trying to make them believe you are.


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