Letter to a Father | Teen Ink

Letter to a Father

June 7, 2010
By Your_Guardian_Angel PLATINUM, Clermont, Florida
Your_Guardian_Angel PLATINUM, Clermont, Florida
26 articles 5 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have great confidence in fools, my friends call it self-confidence."

To the Father I'll never know,

Mommy says it would make me feel better to write. Mommy still writes everyday just like she started doing when you first left for bootcamp. I don't know what to say to you. I don't know you, but mommy says that doesn't matter, mommy says you'd love me even though you never met me. I have dark brown hair that's long and curly. My eyes are light brown with specks of gold, Mommy says I have your eyes. I'm nine and three quaters, but I tell people I'm ten. My birthday is June 23, 2010. My favorite color is blue and I love to play softball. Sometimes I hear mommy cry at night. When I ask her about it she pretends she doesn't know what I'm talking about but I know she's crying because she misses you. I can tell cause sometimes Mommy wakes up calling for you and then she stops and then I can hear crying again. I've never cried for you daddy. Does that make me bad? I try really hard to cry but I can't. When people ask me if I miss you I don't know whaat to say. I think I do. I know I want a daddy just like Emily and Ashley have. Do you miss me daddy even though you never met me? When you're in Heaven and the other angels ask you if you miss your daughter too do you say yes? I don't think I want to write anymore. Sorry Daddy. I love you-



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