Prom Night! | Teen Ink

Prom Night!

May 25, 2010
By AmyJo13 BRONZE, Henderson, Kentucky
AmyJo13 BRONZE, Henderson, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
O my Gosh!

Every girls dream is to have their very own prom and to win Prom Queen; with their long, pretty, new dresses; their new hair styles, and to dance with their very own princes. I am one of those girls. I’ve always wanted my own prom, and now I finally get to. The only problem is, I don’t have a date or anything to wear. Today I’m going to ask my Dad if he will give me money for my dream gown. It’s very hard to convince Dad’s to let you go to places like this. I haven’t even told him about the prom yet. I wonder what he will say. Well here he comes, here goes nothing.
“Hey Dad, could you give me money for a new dress?”
“What for?” he asked.
“Prom,” I answered, smiling.
‘’How much would you think you would need?” he responded.
"Seven hundred dollars.”
“Here take it,” he responded; handing me the money out front.
“Are you serious?” I questioned; not believing what he just said.
“But, I have to go to with you,” he says, out of nowhere.
This is why I wish my mom was still alive. If she was here she would understand. Moms know everything; they’ve been through this kind of stuff before.
A couple hours later we were already at the mall, in a store that sells special clothes. My dad was picking out everything that I wouldn’t want to wear; like all the 1980’s dresses. I wish he would just leave; so I can go shopping on my own, and actually buy this year’s dresses.
“Could you go buy yourself some shoes for you to wear?” I asked.
“Sure, but let me see the dress before you buy it,” he says; walking away to go to another

“Okay,” I responded.
I looked, and looked but couldn’t find a dress I liked. I’ve looked through almost all of the dresses, but none of them were my type.

As soon as I was about to leave I saw the prettiest dresses at one of the most expensive stores ever, “Little Princess.” When I walked up to the stores windows; I saw the most beautiful dresses ever made, that were just made for a person like me. I then walked into the store. There were millions of pretty dresses in all sorts of colors.

Then saw a girl wearing it, the dress. She didn’t like the dress, so she put it back. It was the last one. The one dress that would be so perfect, and I had to have it. It was pink and sparkly, with no sleeves; it was long and puffy too. Just like I wanted. I hope dad will understand how badly I want it.
Dad sees me in the store and comes for me, “What are you doing here?”
“I just saw this awesome store, I had to check it out, and it’s just so amazing. I just have to have it.”
“How much?” he asked.

“Get it, and those matching shoes, if you like them,” he says, so nice.
“Really, thank you so much, daddy,” I reply; hugging him to death.
I finally got the dress that I have been dreaming of since I was ten years old. Now all I need is a date to the prom. I have no idea who would actually go with me. I do have a crush on this guy, but afraid to ask him. Hopefully he will feel the same way. I guess I’m going to try to ask him tomorrow at school.
The next day I was at school. I asked one of my closet friends, Abby to go up to my crush, Jake, and ask him what he thinks of me. After I found out that he wanted to talk to me after lunch; I had no idea what about, but hoping it was about going to the prom with me. I was so worried and scared of what he would say or do.
After lunch I saw him looking for me. Right when he saw me, he smiled, and started walking towards me.
“Hey,” he said first.
“So I was wondering if you had a date to the prom yet,” he asked.
“No, I don’t. I’ve been waiting for someone to ask, but he’s never got the chance to. Why do you ask?”
“Oh, never mind.”
“No, there’s got to be some reason why you ask.”
“Well, I was going to ask you to the prom.”
“Actually, you are the person I was talking about.”
“Well in that case. Will you go to the prom with me?”
“Yes.” I responded.
In two days, the prom will be here. I was so excited that things were going the way I planned. Most of my friends don’t have dates. They’ll be going together. Dreams are really coming true for me though. I’ve got my dress, and my dream date that I have been crushing since the beginning of this year. Nothing could go wrong now.

Today’s Prom Night. I already got my hair, and nails done. I’m dressed. I put on my special necklace my mom gave me before she died. I’ve never worn it. When I got done with all the things that needed done, I went down stairs, and saw Jake. Right when he saw me, he was stunned. My sister took our pictures, and we left.

Prom turned out to be amazing just like I hoped it would. Jake and I also won prom queen, and King. Which surprised me because; there were a lot of other girls that looked a lot better than me.
I still have my crown, and I will never forget my real prom because, it was the best…
Prom Night Ever!

The author's comments:
This piece inspired me because ive always wanted my very own prom.

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