More Then Just A Hero | Teen Ink

More Then Just A Hero

April 19, 2010
By Snikerdoodle PLATINUM, Leander, Texas
Snikerdoodle PLATINUM, Leander, Texas
21 articles 2 photos 18 comments

I press my lips to his wet, warm hair, breathing in his sweet scent. His lean, hard body is lying limp against mine. While a cold dread creeps into my body, paralyzing my every move. What will I do now?
His eyes are closed and he has a peaceful look on his face, like he is trying to reassure me that all is not lost. But I know it is. He was my all, my everything, and now he is lost in a place I can never reach.
Hot, sticky tears fall out of my eyes, splashing onto his neck just where the collarbone meets it. My hands clench around his unresponsive body, as my shoulders convulse and shake. How could this happen?
Gunshots alert me to the danger still eminent around me, where people run screaming and stampeding past. I bend my head over his body and sob.
The war has taken so much from people, and it has stolen the last treasure of mine.

The spark of life inside me burns even stronger now, as though it’s mourning alongside me. My face, tear stained and dirt covered, rises from his cold chest, looking towards the sun slowly rising above the horizon.
What would he want me to do?
I gather my feet underneath me, kissing his frozen lips one last time, remembering the warmth we once shared, and stand up.
As I stumble down the dirt road, a wave of sickness washes over me and it is hard to stay standing. I know I must though, not only for myself but for the life I carry inside me.
I take each step with unease and fear, but as I continue on, my strides become stronger and more sure. I know I can do this.
His body is distant and only a mangled shape now, not easy to make out. My path in front of me is clear and strenuous with the burdens I carry. It is the one I must take.
A newfound love is growing inside me, as I place one hand on my stomach and glance down at it through tear filled eyes.
I rub a hand over them and look to the horizon. A new day is dawning and so is a new life. I will carry our child through the worst, and so, I will always have a part of him.

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