NFL vs NCAAF | Teen Ink


November 10, 2023
By Anonymous

When you get home after along day of work, don’t you want to sit down and relax? Everybody wants to relax after a long stressful day, they want good food, a cold drink and something exciting to watch on the television. Scrolling through the channels there are so many different options to choose but you want something fast and exciting, not dull and long. There are two different things that catch your eyes, College football and professional football. Many people would immediately think that choose to watch professional football will be more exciting and the players will put everything on the line, but you would be wrong. College football is where the players put everything on the line and try their absolute hardest at all times.

College football, like professional, has a ton of players from all different states and even countries. But college football consists of more teams and players than a professional team.

College Football Has More Competition: When watching college football everybody wants to join the NFL. From bench players playing at a D3 school to the start player of a D1 power 5 school. Everybody wants a chance to make it to the NFL. This propels the players to try their absolute hardest at all times when they are playing. If they do not, they can be forgotten about very quickly. A college football player has to put everything on the line for their team just so they can be noticed by NFL scouts.

College Football Is Faster Paced – In college football there is the time that a very high chance of the player will play their last game because there is constant competition to start for the team. There are people who are not even on the team that are training an competing their hardest just so they are given a shot. They could end up taking your spot on the team so you have to keep working your absolute hardest. While in the NFL there are way less people who are competing for your spot thus you can be very lazy. Many times there are professional football players opting out of playing a game just because they are “injured” when they actually are not. They think of themselves as better than the game and are only in it for the money instead of actually playing the sport.

College football has a team for everybody: There are three different divisions of college football and there are so many teams that a person can choose from. There is always a underdog story going on in one game and in another game there is a power house vs power house matchup. There are colleges all around the United States of America, including Alaska and Hawaii. There are teams for each state, but there are also small schools that always have a chance of playing a strong team. In college football when you like a team, you get really into the team. There are huge fanbases for each team that will accept anyone that supports their team. While in NFL there are only a certain number of teams and if you do not like any of the teams then you can get no enjoyment from football.

When you are watching college football you feel more of a connection to the players. I think because psychologically the players are not really making millions of dollars just to play. They are kids still trying to get a education and trying to make a name for themselves. Everyone can trust a person’s hard work and respect them for it. That makes college football so appealing to the millions of people that watch it. Without the competitiveness of college football, professional football players would not have the talent they currently have. College football drives players to be the best they can be. Anybody can come from anywhere and thrive in football if they are wiling to put in the work and hours.

The author's comments:

I am a 17 year old senior in highschool. 

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