Last Night I Dreamt | Teen Ink

Last Night I Dreamt

September 27, 2023
By KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last Night I dreamt I went to a celebrity party in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.  I pulled up in the nicest car, a Matte Black Rolls Royce.  I walked in the door, and to my surprise, I was greeted by Will Ferrel.  He said he was a big fan.  I had become one of the biggest car salesmen in the area and was pretty well recognized on multiple social media platforms.  

I toured the house, weaving in and out of people.  I made my way upstairs, passing a tank of electric eels.  I approached the end of a hallway to a brightly lit picture of Abe Lincoln riding a sea monster.  The attention to detail was amazing.  After I made my way around the upstairs of the house, I decided to make my way back down to the main level.  

I was quite thirsty so I decided to head to the fridge.  I opened it up and was met by an endless supply of Strawberry Apricot Redbull.  I grabbed one, cracked it open, and then got back to the party.  I looked out the window to see the scattered showers raining down on all of the cars I had sold to the celebrities attending the party.  I sat there thinking about the life I had created for myself.  Never had I imagined I would go from living a somewhat normal life in a small town in Wisconsin to being rich and famous traveling around the states.  My daydream was interrupted by a presence behind me.  

I could feel someone breathing down my neck, I turned around and was again face to face with Will Ferrel.  I was spooked but I gathered myself and told him “You have a beautiful home, thank you so much for the invite!”  Mr. Ferrel replied, “Yeah, I don’t know anybody else that’s doing this.”  He then said, “There’s something else you gotta see.”  Will Ferrel grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the basement where there was a small table surrounded by 7 guys I didn’t really recognize.  

Mr. Ferrel told me to take a seat so I did.  Just then he hopped behind the table and began to deal out cards.  I had only played poker a handful of times so I wasn’t very confident.  I got my cards and flipped them over.  I had a royal flush.  I let the round go on for some time.  More people continued to put in more money.  Nearing the end, I went all in.  I showed my cards and the table went crazy.  I had won $9,687 along with a pair of sweet Nike Dunks.  

After some fun away from the main party.  I started talking to Mr. Ferrel a little more.  I told him it would be awesome if he came out to my house on Okauchee Lake sometime and he was enthused.  I thanked him for having me and headed towards the door.  I walked back out into the scattered showers that had since paused.  I got back into my Matte Black Rolls Royce, and I woke up.

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