The story of a young girl | Teen Ink

The story of a young girl

September 8, 2023
By Liyahrbls07 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Liyahrbls07 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A young girl who is barely beginning high school has a feeling of enmity that seems to follow her. Along the enmity comes along clandestine thoughts she constantly holds onto. It’s not something she chooses to tell like a bee buzzing through town, and telling the whole world her struggles. This quickly leads to her having a constant battle with her own thoughts, and causes many mental conflicts internally. She was always known as the girl who would love, and strive to see everyone happy before herself. Having a positive title didn’t define how she views herself. In reality she’s battling with her bed to get up, but deep down she just wants to have the feeling of love, and the experience to have the comfort over her shoulders of feeling wanted. Growing up was the most she battled with herself, because the environment she was in was like putting out a fire with oil. It has been a heavy derision feeling following her when she strives to find her feeling of comfort. An absent feeling of security, and no comfort impacted the weight on her shoulders she felt on a daily. There are times she chooses to look back at her childhood and get a glimpse of what it may have felt like again. In the end when she attempted to try, she would only remember the bad part from it, and it was made up of nothing but constant feeling of grief she had for herself. The feeling grew on her just as the vines you see ascending up a wall. She has known nothing but constant regret, and poor treatment within her childhood. In result to life being a blur, she only knows to escape from it by distancing herself. Distancing can be good or bad, but for her it was neither because she never knew what was properly right for herself in any way. One day she had a feeling that felt as if a repeating cycle of a rain storm had just ended. That feeling grew quickly onto her when she took a moment to give herself a chance to be able to breathe. She had realized that when you don’t distance yourself, good things can approach you. A sudden light had almost opened up as if she was finishing a race, and she allowed herself to get help. Getting help made her feel lighter, and as if she didn’t have to have many worries. Everything felt like weights being lifted from her chest because she gave speaking up a chance, and she gave her confidence a chance. Having the ability to feel open enough to reach out impacted her, but this time the impact onto her life felt right. She has never felt confident with her feelings with what’s wrong or what is right for herself. Once reality kicks in she comes to realization that life really can be as sweet as strawberries. Now she is bundled up within her own comfort she finds within herself, and ascends on a daily with her progress.

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