the lost friend | Teen Ink

the lost friend

September 8, 2023
By meme1110 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
meme1110 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My story is called The Lost Friend: In the year 1935, there was a group of friends that considered.

themselves brothers they have been friends for over a decade their parents sent each other and

That's how they became friends they played ball when they were three and played soccer up to 11.

18 friends finished high school they all made it back to meet up once a year to play soccer.

 more time on the friends in their separate ways after that one of them became a police officer

Two of the friends that were closer than the other three decided to start a police officer to the closer

friends decided to join the military they're both marines Now one of the friends decided he into

accounting because his father was one before him and the last and final frame is a quiet boy-like toy and

playing with his friends he didn't like socializing with other people he wasn't acquainted with, but he was.

still a kind soul after they had made it back the fit friend didn't show was that of the ordinary for the

The fifth friend was always the last one to arrive and the last one to leave but for that week he did not show.

they had called him and texted him emailed him called his job and said he hadn't been there for many.

many weeks they decided they needed to look for a friend two days into the search one of

The friend had to give up on it because he needed to go back to work, he had a family kid on the way.

the first friend couldn't accept what was going on it was already a weekend, and they couldn't find them.

a lost friend and the 5th friend he was a mystery to the other four but they still loved him as a brother

date to grow up together and play video games they did many things The 5th friend had forgotten what month.

to leave in he thought it was the next month then he left to go play with his friends for the long tradition.

friend that went back home decided to call his friend you picked up right away and ask how you had been.

Man he is still headed on that trip next month the friend left he said no no no you got it my brother wow

The three confused friends three went to this local shop that they grew up at and signed it to have a

sandwich together before they went back home they were all scared and refused where is our last friend we

cannot find him what is I don't care if I have to drop everything I will find my brother they are done with

their coffee they said it's going outside for a cigarette the two friends that were in the military swore to

each other not to smoke every gain once they got out but simultaneously they all grabbed a cigarette at

At the same time, they weren't thinking about the promise they made they were also worried they just

grabbed the old flavor list states and they fell in love once again it was an old curse that they fell back

 into as they finish up their cigarette all three of them started reminiscing about the old days not fun it was they told themselves we can't find our friend don't know if he even came here or not let's go back home to our families the first friend agreed they told themselves they wouldn't stop realize they have to the way to the airport they received a phone call the only place in that country that had service and they picked up the phone it was a friend that went back home he says guess what guess what I found our lost friend he was here the whole time three friends rejoice they were so happy and grateful after everything settled down they realize they left their clothes back at the apartment when they got out they ran all the way there not even taking a taxi probably a smart idea at that time the taxis were very expensive and so were the airplanes when they got to their appointment they realize they've been robbed nothing was left except the soccer ball the three friends grabbed their soccer ball ran to the front table and told them they've been wrong we've been robbed they said this place has been robbed many times we have no cameras we have no police officers we have no insurance we can't help you they had grew up there and they understood what was going on this wasn't the best time for all of them and no money and only a day left before they get kicked out of their apartment the two friends they were the most closest toward themselves we could get a job here I have a cousin that works at the bakery down the street he will give us all a job but we will have to work hard for a long time have you ever wanna go back home to our families an old man saw three of them sitting on the floor and he had asked him why so bloom my young souls they said we've been robbed of our families our freedom and our money you have nothing left the old man replied with the smile and a paper that he given them they read the paper and it says here's a soccer tournament the winner will receive $5000 they rejoiced when they saw their prize money but they realized they didn't have a team the old man said you don't need a team you can play it just you 3 they left three people versus the whole team the old man said do you not know how to read look at the bottom it says it's three on three Desai but there's an interest fee if $20 you don't even have a dollar to our name what can we do the old man saw the desperate ice he said I will give you the money but promise me one thing when you win that you will grow up to be great soccer players one day they told him we have a job and a business he says I want you to become a soccer player please do this for me and for your loss friend they all looked at each other how does he know about our lost friend and when they look back to talk to him the old man was gone all three of them got up and started looking around for the old man he did not know his name so they were asking people did you see oh man when a blue shirt he said no no no one man even said get away from me you weirdo you're obviously crazy and there's no man with a blue shirt here they all ran back to their apartment they were happy they had the $20 they needed they ran to the sign up site they signed up paid the fee I'm very grateful to the old man they ran back home and said we are stuck here to their families they wouldn't have the money to come back home not for another two weeks the first friend apologized to his wife for a long time because he was gonna use his paid time off to go have a trip with him and his family would she understood knowing that she grew up there as well she was great for the year was still alive the place isn't the best that's what she said she said fight for what you believe in and your friend those past three days flew by beating a team after a team after a team they would wake up at 4:00 in the morning no water no food and go train outside owning and mastering their skills they the End

The author's comments:

It's about a lost friend and soccer 

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