The All Nighter | Teen Ink

The All Nighter

September 7, 2023
By Anonymous

It was a dark gloomy night when Jack heard an abysmal loud disturbing knock on his shallow black door. Jack was home alone that night sleeping in his crowded unorganized room. He got up from his big white bed, put on his red slides, and made his way down the haunting dark stairs. He stepped on something, something he had not seen before. Before he could tell, he became uneasy and fainted. He later woke up with a big disturbing bump the size of an apple on his head. It hurt trying to get up but he continued making his way towards the door and all he found was an empty box.

“An empty box?” Jack said

“Take care of it.” Said someone or something in a light whisper

“Who are you?” Jack said

Dead silence. Jack got startled and began to look around frantically waiting for someone or something to come out.

“Come out and show yourself!” He said 

Nothing. His porch was dead silent, the light flickering as the wind swayed the green trees from left to right. He wanted to look around to see if he could find a trace of the person but his head began to throb so he decided to lay on the couch. The picture frame fell from the wall. He put the box down and went to the box on the table and went to pick up the picture frame.

“Good luck,” Someone said.

“Who are you?”

Nothing again. They continued playing in the background as Jack made his way toward the kitchen. He picked up the glass of water and he heard a light whisper in the distance.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT!” Jack yelled.

The TV continued playing in the background as Jack took a pill to ease the headache. He watched TV as he began to wonder what was inside the box. It was screwed on tight. He looked around to see if he had a screwdriver and made his way towards his room. The hallway was still dark and could not see where he was stepping. He got to his room and he heard a whisper.

“Hello?” said Jack



Nothing at all. He was resentful but he found a screwdriver on the top of his dresser. He saw out the window in his room and, the wind whispered as the trees swayed left to right egregiously. 

He headed back downstairs as he saw his couch begin to move like a crab and he ran upstairs. He closed the door and began to panic as he did not know what was going on. He headed downstairs again and everything was back to normal. 

He went to the kitchen and got ice for his head injury to make sure he was not hallucinating. He took another sip of his water and he thought it was adulterated because it tasted weird. He felt something staring him down and nothing was there. He heard voices in the background, but nothing appeared when he finally turned around. He decided to finally make his way outside and he walked around the house to make sure no one was hiding anywhere near the house. The door closed with a squeak sound behind him and got the screw to open the box. He switched the video he was watching to a video about apocryphal mysteries. The box was finally open. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Read the box.

‘Huh?“ Jack said

His mind went blank. It wasn’t his birthday. What happened and who sent it to his house in the middle of the night? It was past midnight and he did not know what to do or who to call. What he did hear was a different voice—a ringtone.


Jack turned around. His phone had gone off. He checked and it was his parents,

“Someone dropped off a present for your father. Leave it in our room please.”

That's when he heard the same voice but no one was around. He noticed that the only thing he could hear was the TV. He turned around while he still heard the voice and it was the TV. He changed it to the old channel before he went psycho.

“Good luck,” the TV said

“The same voice…”Jack said

He kept watching the show and he started to notice the same voice during the whole show. He began to wonder if his injury was the one that started to make him hallucinate. It all made sense now, his father’s birthday, the box, and the voices. Turns out he spent the whole night trying to figure out what was talking to him and his parents arrived when he was heading upstairs.

“Is everything okay Jack?” His mother asked

“Everything is fine Mother, goodnight.”

The author's comments:

Many do not talk about the good rare short stories that are unexpected.

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