Banana peal | Teen Ink

Banana peal

September 7, 2023
By D0s4ll BRONZE, Houston, Texas
D0s4ll BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a semi-gloomy afternoon right before nightfall Angel and some friends had decided to go to a few Halloween parties ranging from costume themed to regular house parties deep down in the  south of Houston.  Before everyone was in the car it was just Angel and Ryan on the way to get gas  before eventually picking up their friends, Angel had to make a few calls to see where all his other friends would be, Angel would hang up and set directions to get His friends Katty and Ashley for the first costume party of the night. As the group of friends arrived at the first location on an eerie farm, the moment they walked to the entrance cops on horses in all black began to yell “ Everyone leave the premises at once if not you will  charged with trespassing” they began going up and down the street giving attitude and notifying people to leave . Due to the first party being shut down the group of friends decided to ask around and see what other parties were available that night and sure enough there were at least a few. The second party of the night would be in a shady house near the end of the cities limits, knowing this the group of friends wouldn’t know what they gotten themselves into until again blue and red lights filled the sky as cops arrived at the second party, throughout this whole ordeal Angel was to busy dancing with a monkey as he was dressed as a banana this year for his costume, soon he began to see the sky begin to get full of color and so he gathered his friends and decided to leave it. Angel’s friend Ryan had decided to leave the group a few minutes into their search for another party but by the time the group friends had realized this Ryan had gone down the street to the house of a friend who he decided to stay at for a few minutes and have a drink when the group arrived at the house Angel was offered a drink which he so gladly took due to not even being able to enjoy himself at any of the previous parties, after drinks and small talk the friends set out to go to one last party. The 3rd party was costume themed with no cops or issues. The group of friends decided to go to the backyard of this house party and join the rest of the people there. While in the party Angel had noticed a ton of familiar faces in which he so promptly greeted . For a solid hour into the final party of the night everyone was enjoying their night not only drinking but the bass of the loud music really tied the whole night together as the group was leaving and they got to the  driveway of the car just as they started to walk down the street to where they parked “POW POW POW” and some more 20 gunshots were heard all along the street people running, people screaming but most importantly Angel was looking for his friends as they all ran he went back to gather his friends and as he ran gunshots visibly could be seen going past Angels face. As Angel and his friends made their way to the corner of the street a mutual friend of Katty and Ashley had been hit in the left arm, Angel rushed in to to help best he could he took off his shoelace tied it around his arm ,grabbed a jacket one of the girls had to just keep pressure on the fresh ricochet round lodged in Jose's left arm. As Police showed up and news outlets began to show up to capture the original horror that occurred  the group of friends had found that that someone had tragically had lost their life in an altercation which let his face almost unrecognizable Angel and his friends had gone their separate ways that night and were thankful that although their group got hit they were lucky enough to not lose their life. On the way home Angel and some friends that stayed with him decided to get food near 2 in the morning after everyone had gone inside Angel read a report that unfortunately confirmed that someone had passed that gloomy Halloween night , although the night was horrifying it definitely made for an interesting story.

The author's comments:

Semi realistic Halloween story in the South of Houston. 

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