Forged in shadows | Teen Ink

Forged in shadows

September 7, 2023
By ec0307974 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
ec0307974 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sniper sets up in the shadows of the night. The grass is calm and quiet. He checks in and reports nothing is wrong. The soldier couldn’t hear the shot that ended his life and is now, a fallen soldier. A voice is heard, through the trees and calm grass, it asks: ”Bravo, have you reached the camp?”. The grass rises, through the paint and bush suit, Sniper specialist Lieutenant Freddy Mactavish answers: "I’ve been here since this guy left his station, Victor”. After a whole night of reconnaissance, Freddy makes his move. He starts with the furthest soldiers, then the snipers. This group that is on the rise, The Velikan Force, have been on a rampage around the globe, the chimera on what they could do is enough to scare a country. After the camp is clear, Freddy goes in to the camp. He passes through the tents like the wind, as if he were a ghost. He goes into a tent with computers, maps, and information about where the next Velikan attack will be. He reports it to Victor while he gathers maps and other information he can get on their leader. 

“ Leave it Freddy, just look for coordinates and go to them.” Instructs Victor. ”Victor, this is the closest we’ve gotten in weeks, I’m not going to waste this opportunity.” Insists Freddy. “Damn it Freddy, leave it alone!”. Freddy leaves the tent and goes to his new destination: Garrettown

  As he flies in to Garrettown, there’s a massive firefight that would make it to the history books. He recognizes the horned and scorched helmets of the Velikan soldiers, but who was that they were fighting? Freddy reaches the leader of the team with a face that could kill. “And who are you, thinking you could take them alone?” Asks Freddy. “Call me Smoke, we are The Serpent Society.” Freddy has heard of this team before. He’s heard that they once cleared a 10-story building without making a sound. “This here is the muscle of the unit, Yankee.” Says Smoke. A soldier in black gear with orange zippers approached them. He was tall and brooding, around 7’0, with tattoos on his forearms. He grunted at Freddy as an introduction, Freddy nodded as a response. Freddy, Smoke, and Yankee rushed into the warzone as bullets flew past them. “We need to get around them” Freddy instructed as he turned around and saw Yankee and Smoke go left and right but according to his plan. Soon after, the bullets died out. Freddy goes to check the area, but it’s empty, the casings of bullets were scattered around the floor, just like the machine guns were. Then Smoke and Yankee came out of a room that was dimly lit, they went back out to the orange dessert of Garrettown. 

 “Let’s move out to the cliffs to see if their reinforcements are on the way” Freddy suggests. “Sounds like a plan, but do you happen to have a bit more information on the Velikan Forces?” asked Smoke. ”With all due respect, we’re not working on this together, plus it doesn’t reveal a whole lot about the Velikans.” Says Freddy. “But you knew they were here?, and I’m guessing you have intelligence on their leader?, but it’s fine, you’re right. Anyways, let’s gear up and get after it!” Yells out Smoke. Freddy looks at him weirdly, as if he suspects Smoke of something, but in Freddy’s way, stood Yankee, just looking down at him, he then turns away without saying anything. When they’re done gearing up, they get in the armored trucks and drive south of Garrettown. After an hour of driving to the cliffs, they stopped and saw an entry to a cave. They check the area for any Velikan soldiers, but it seemed to be empty. Then, a helicopter flies through the air right above them, but it was just Freddy that reacted, Smoke’s team didn’t even didn’t even look at the helicopter, even though the helicopter blew sand everywhere. “What was that?” Asks Freddy. “Don’t worry about it Sport, it’s probably just the reinforcements for the Velikan Force, we couldn’t shoot it down if we wanted to.” says Smoke. “Would’ve been nice to start taking the Velikan Forces down” Freddy states. “That’s what we’re doing, taking over the Velikans, we’re not stopping them from invading, we are the ones invading.” Smoke says, in a nefarious voice. Freddy stares at him as if he said a terrible joke, then he proceeds to say: ”That was a nice inspirational speech, coach.” “He isn’t lying.” A voice is heard, through the heat and hot air, it says: ”Stand down, Bravo” 

 Victor Ceniceros slowly approaches Freddy and Smoke’s unit. “I told you not to come here, but if you must know, we are eliminating the best soldiers so there is no more competition, but first we try to convince them to join us first, including you.” Abstracted and enraged, Freddy headbutts Victor and makes a run in towards the cave. ”Go in there and BRING HIM TO ME!” demands Victor. Smoke and Yankee follow Freddy in the cave as the rest of the unit follows. Bullets fly past Freddy through a maze-like cave, but after a while, Freddy runs into a dead end. With no other option, he holds his position and starts taking the soldiers down. When he ran out of ammunition, he used his blade, and when the blade was dull, he used his hands. After not hearing anything for minutes, Victor walks to him. “It’s just us, I told Smoke and Yankee to clear out and chase the Velikan army.” “The Velikans bomb the Private Mavericks Home, and this is your revenge?, you’re pathetic.” Enraged, the best friends pull out their weapons on each other, and then a body thuds. “I’m sorry, Victor. You were forged in the shadows, it’s time to sit down and rest. I do hope the best for you.” Freddy says, as he walks out into the desert, leaving Victor to bleed out.

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by the games of the Call of Duty franchise.

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