soilder | Teen Ink


April 18, 2023
By wagneren BRONZE, Spring, Texas
wagneren BRONZE, Spring, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a man that lived three houses down. He didn't start anything with the neighbors or anything . The man is a very old guy and he is disabled because of old age. One day the man was just sitting outside when another man came walking by just taking a walk. He was a soldier that was deployed after a big mission. The soldier kindly smiled and kept walking. The soldier was taking a walk when he saw the old man again and he looked at the yard and offered to help the old man cut his yard. After the soldier was done cutting the old man yard he asked if he needed any help with  anything else. The old man really was not used to people talking to him much so he wasn't really onboard on what the soldier was asking. But then he gave in. The soldier helped the old man with things around his house. The old man needed to dust his house and the soldier offered. While he was dusting he saw a picture of a soldier in an airplane that looked like he was in his late 20's. The soldier asked the old man who this was and it was the old man from a long time ago. The old man used to be a soldier. They also had a big conversation about things they did in the military. They bonded and connected and had some similar likes and dislikes. It was getting late and the soldier had to get going. They said their goodbyes and then the soldier went home. A few days have gone bye and the old man hasn't seen the soldier in three days he didn't think too much of it just thought he could be busy with something. After two weeks have passed the old man was back outside on his porch just sitting when he gets a call. “Hey buddy” it was a soldier he had left on a mission the day after they talked. The soldier wanted to thank the old man for having someone to talk to and to look and reach out more in life .

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