A Summers day | Teen Ink

A Summers day

April 18, 2023
By MasonWichner BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
MasonWichner BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As any summer Sunday goes I made plans. Carter and I always end up being organizers and the rest just show up for the day that follows. The meeting always ends up being mill pond. Whether it's cold, overly hot, raining, a blizzard, or the windiest day on record it's just the place we all end up. Carter is always first, early even, think it's cause he doesn't like to hold up time but whos to say? Then it's me, for the most part on time, almost. I tend to forget. Could be my phone or a shirt I need maybe a key. I do it too often which stresses me out but what else choice do I have, Im riddled with Adhd. motivation plays a big role in who comes next, Kyle is always available yet seem to always be late. Haass craves the outdoors but can never seem to leave his room. Holt will do anything but lacks conviction, so he tags along with Haass.
The goal was swimming, at least that's what we had in mind. But far before that was the descent into the falls, nature separate from civilization only divided by a wall, blocking the path to ancient steps barricaded due to unsafe conditions. With only one other option we slid down the rock-littered slope into a crevice carved from centuries of running water. Course I went first so every motion above resaluted in rocks raining down leaving craters in my now hail-dented car of a leg, stinging greatly as if punched. I didn't much care though, I had a goal, one I had been waiting for since summer started. Continuing to trek along the overgrown yet worn-down path, passing waterfalls that run into streams, overlapped by bridges built to last the test of time. such that the rocks tattered smooth by nature's subtle destruction. Eventually, we wound up under an old bridge, high in the sky, it towered over us yet felt calming knowing we had made it. Fresh flowing water passed beneath our feet, cleansing our pores and soul. Diving off looming concrete pillars I felt at peace, cracking jokes, telling stories, and doing dares. One dare or rather clandestine fate was to try and swim across the river. It's an idea we all had but deep down never thought possible. “now how in the hell do you plan on getting across, it's a river for peat's sake.“ Holt chimes in, “Yeah man what happens if you don´t make it, it's not like your just ganna swim back.“
“I don't know guys I'll get there when I get there.“ Kyle steps in, “You know what I'll go, what do I got to lose?¨ I don't know why I said what I said but I wish I hadn't, “yeah that's more like it, let's go what are you waiting for.“
I don´t know what had come over me, guess the water was just so beautiful you know, the way the crests shimmered or the sun cradled making an effect of warmth coating the air around of no wrongdoing. I dove in with no fear, hesitation, or worry. Kyle followed close behind, a little hesitant but driven. Funny enough swimming is not my strong suit, not even a top 10 of my talents. Had to teach myself as a matter of fact.
Fear is all I could feel when I reached the rushing current able to sweep a bull off its feet if it chose to. Kyle was no better, making all kinds of remarks unheard by my water-logged-ears but the picture was set. the swift motion of a crowd lifting me off my feet, dragging me toward an unknown with depths littered with the filth of activity. As if being swept under the rug, the water took me, bobbing like a fish caught to a lewer. A plan for retreat was my only hope, the tide was high, the current was strong, hope was lost.
Then from the ashes of death came the instinct for survival, a human nature to continue. Giving all I had was without thought. Water moved past as if a crowd of fans cheering you on to the finish line.
As water turns to soot and foot turned to solid ground I could feel nothing but adrenaline. In that moment I too could have swept the bull, divided the sea if given the chance. Unbeknownst to me, Kyle had already returned back to the shore receiving an abrasion of cumbersome remarks from the few worried few in my life. I probably had a few toward myself but I couldn't hear them, in one out the other. Carter scolding, Haass questioning, and holt, just watching the carnage unfold.
How I loved these times in my life and what I'd give to spend another summer's day.

The author's comments:

nature plays a big role in my life and I want to right a story that reflects some of my discoveries along the way.

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