I'm Stable, I Promise | Teen Ink

I'm Stable, I Promise

April 12, 2023
By AHSwriting2023 PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
AHSwriting2023 PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk into my therapist's room. I’m fine. I don’t need her.

“Good morning Alex. How are you today?”

“I’m doing great! I’m ready to go!” I’ve lied for 90 days. Today I went home. 

We go through our session. She declares me stable. I go home.

I walk to the bridge and jump home.

The author's comments:

Visit www.teenink.com/HealthResources if you or a loved one are feeling depressed or have thoughts of self-harm or suicide.


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