Bubbles | Teen Ink


December 12, 2022
By Anonymous

    I am Bubbles, I am a Goldfish. The life of a Goldfish isnt very interesting, I eat, sleep and swim. Swim around my little bowl, day and night. Where else am I meant to go?, I am just a fish. Its just me in here, it is quiet. I am bored, so, so, bored. Theres not much to do in here, and I find myself observeing the world around me, observing her. I wait patently for her, Anna, to wake up. Once the sun is up and the birds are chirping Anna wakes up and greets me at my bowl; “Good morning Bubbles!” I swim side to side in excitement, it is time to eat. Anna sprinkles my food into my little bowl, she watches as I take every flake.

    Anna has a very busy life, and lots of time she is gone. I know she cares for me but, I just wish things were different. I've accepted this is what the life of a fish is meant to be, but who has all the time in the world for just a fish, anyways? I watched the sun rise, and now I watch it set, no sign of Anna. I wait, wait wait, for her and once the light of the moon is peeking though the curtains, Anna opens the door. “ I had such a good day, Bubbles!, let me tell you all about it!” I do care that shes happy, I really do, but what about mine?

    Hours fade into, days, then months and Anna seems to be less and less interested in the life of a fish. Once again, I watch the sun rise, lighting up the room in beautiful shades of yellow and orange. I like the sun, it makes me feel happy. Anna wakes up and walks right past me, closes the door, and descends down the stairs. Did she forgot about me? A few minuets later, Anna’s mother, Debbie, walks into the room. “Did she forget about Bubbles?” she mutters to herself. Debbie reaches for my food container, and then pours some food into the bowl. 

    I feel sad, so so, sad. Anna does not take care of me the way she should, I feel I deserve better, even though I am just a little fish. I wish things were different. 

    I wake up to the motion of being scooped up in a net by Debbie, and then I am transported into another fish bowl. I frantically freak out, where is she taking me!? I thrash around until I calm myself down. I stare out my bowl, and I am carried down the stairs, out the front door, into this vehicle. Debbie secures me in the back seat, and starts the car. 

    Some time later we stop in front of a house. Debbie gets out of the car and opens the door and picks my bowl up. We walk up these long steps, beautiful cherry blossom trees surround us as we descend up the steps. As we reach the front door, Debbie knocks three times, and then a cheerful woman opens the door. “ I'm so glad to finally meet you, hope the drive was good!” she exclaims. “Yes it was just fine” Debbie replies. The woman invites us into her home and I am placed on a table, I swim around in confusion, why am I here? Soon enough Debbie is ready to leave and says to me “ You will have a good life here” and walks out the door.

     I am greeted by the woman “I will take good care of you, don't worry!” She picks up my bowl, and walks me over to another room. I gaze through the bowl, and I am ecstatic at what I see. A huge fish tank!, full of a variety of different fish, all with beautiful colors! She drops me into the tank, and I swim around ready to greet my new friends. I guess the life of a fish isn't so bad after all. 

The author's comments:

I decided to write a fiction story because I feel my skills are stronger in fiction vs other genres. 

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