Summer on a winter day. | Teen Ink

Summer on a winter day.

November 23, 2022
By Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
31 articles 24 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is impossible to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.

As I stepped onto the mass of ice shards, I howled like a wolf as snow stabbed my body like arrows, pirouetting in the sky that hung above the weak and weary trees. It was as if God was making breakfast: a slab of oozing butter melted from above, dripping its mouth-watering smile into the warm honey river. I thought that I stepped into an experiment: where the Sun collied with the Winter. Swords of ice impaled me as I slipped onto dampened Earth that reeked of something musky and alien, yet it felt so warm. Snow filled trees like cotton instead of blossoming flowers: light,

fluffy, white. I tasted Autumn in the air and heard the whimpers of the leaves falling against my calloused feet. My hair broke free and roared, billowing like a lion’s mane as a cacophony of wails rushed and raced above my ears. The trees moaned as they shook, it was as if they saw that their end was near. The smell of rotten bark and ice went well together, like a peculiar ice cream: weird... yet, delicious. I kneeled as if I was praying, my face now submerged in the ice-cold, honey-like river. I could see life bustling around, busy as a bee, flashes of apple green, raging fires, and lighting white fish glared at me like headlights before whisking away into a whirlpool of mayhem. Water seeped into my ear, whispering secrets unbeknownst to anyone. Reluctantly, I took my head out of the secret telling pool. I whimpered like a baby as ungrateful buckets of hail spiraled towards me hitting me smack in the face, I was starting to feel numb, I was now a statue of marble. The Sun surrendered to the moon; brushes of heaven now morphed into the hostile shade of the galaxy as burning lights speckled the sky. Turning my back, a smile creeped up my face.

I thought of only one thing. ‘If there was such thing as wonderland, I was staring at its face.’

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