All She Wanted | Teen Ink

All She Wanted

November 6, 2022
By Anonymous

She stood there, at the edge of the road, gazing across at the grassy fields. She enjoyed it. Watching the trees cover the hills like a blanket. This is where she would come to be alone. Be herself. Away from the people’s jugdemental gazes, scanning her up and down, as if trying to find a flaw. But here, no one could do that. At the far, deserted, end of town, with that eerie, hallow sound filling the valley. This is where she spent most of her afternoons. She savored the cold, crispy breeze against her warm skin. Bundled up in layers of clothing. Nothing in the world could make her happier. This is all she wanted. At least, that's what she thought. Yet, she soon found that there was something missing. Things seemed to just kept getting worse. Like a pit in her stomach, she felt a growing sensation inside of her, not knowing from where it had emerged. A single rain drop then fell from the sky, right into her palm. This innocent, peaceful rain didn’t last long. Like that now growing sensation, the rain grew as well, turning into a downpour, freezing her from head to toe, until she felt nothing besides coldness. This, she thought to herself, is what being alone feels like. As she sat there, drenched in water, she couldn’t help but sense all the bitterness and pain it had brought her. She no longer wanted to be alone, if this is want it meant having to go through. Now, all she longed for was the slightest touch of someone to warm up her hands with theirs, light up her face with their jokes, and break through her heart of stone, simply with their presence. This is all she wanted. 

The author's comments:

For this set piece, I was trying to describe how it feels to be alone. I used imagery to keep reminding the reader of the mood, and for them to understand the emotions I’m trying to portray.​​ In this piece, it is clear to see I was trying to manifest the two completely different sides of this one concept - beauty and freedom, yet, at the same time, cold and empty.

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