The Wish | Teen Ink

The Wish

November 3, 2022
By Anonymous

As she closes her eyes in the hospital bed, she wishes to no longer feel pain. She sits there waiting, suddenly feeling much better. She is no longer sick, coughing, or feeling pain anywhere. She crawls out of her bed, stands up, and stretches out. She looks around at all the white walls around her and at the machine that is still monitoring her pulse. The walls seem so dull and smooth like a blank sheet of paper. The bright, fluorescent lights blind her while her eyes adjust. As she tries pulling off the devices monitoring her pulse, she realizes that she is still too weak and ends up calling for a nurse to help her. The nurse takes a while to get to her, but when the nurse does, the nurse smiles. She thanks the nurse before walking out the room. She roams the hallways, seeing so many people smiling and embracing their family. It seems almost as if she’s in a maze of people and white walls. 

When she finally makes it out of the hospital, she crosses a street. She seems to recognize the person walking slowly in front of her so she tries to speed up to see if it is really someone she knows. She notices it’s her sister and she seems upset. 

“What’s wrong?” She repeatedly asks, but not getting an answer. 

“She’s gone,” her sister says. She wonders if her sister was responding to her, but then realizes her sister is talking on the phone. “Why would she wish to die?” Her sister asks on the phone. 

She almost stops walking when she realizes it’s a person. ‘Why would someone choose to do that’, she wonders, ‘my sister is so heartbroken because of them’.

After a while of walking in silence, her sister suddenly says, “I don’t understand why my sister chose to leave.”

“But that’s me!”, she says, “I’m right here!” She suddenly realizes that no one had been paying her any attention and maybe she was dead, and that was why. She runs back to the hospital, going through the door as someone holds it open for their friends. As she almost makes it back to the room she had been in just a while ago, she sees herself on the bed she woke up in with her eyes empty and her head lolled to the side, being wheeled out by the nurse. This time paying more attention, she sees that the nurse wasn’t really smiling, but frowning. 

She crumbles to the floor, realizing what she really wished for.

The author's comments:

This is about a world where everyone gets a wish each century and about a girl who wishes to no longer feel pain or have any injuries so she doesn’t have to stay in a hospital. In the end, she realizes that she is dead and didn’t get exactly what she thought she was wishing for. In this set piece, I wrote in third person and tried to use imagery (which is where the author tries to help the reader visualize part of a story by creating strong mental pictures) and similes (a type of metaphor where something is compared to something else using the words “as” or “like”) when describing the hospital rooms including “smooth like a blank sheet of paper” in the first paragraph.

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