The Art of High School | Teen Ink

The Art of High School

October 19, 2022
By Anonymous

The car skidded to a stop, and I threw open the door angrily. “Well, that was a huge waste of our time.”

“Alice, it's school. It is not a waste of time we have to go. Why are you so upset?” Catie asked. 

Catie is my best friend, so I thought out of everyone she would know what was wrong. I have been struggling to make it through high school ever since freshman year. Catie is my only friend however, she is way more outgoing than I am. I am very quiet.

“Everyone looks at me in the halls every day like I am some monster and my grades suck. Every day just gets worse and worse,” I replied. 

“It's high school Alice not everyone has perfect grades,” she said. I can feel tears fill my eyes, so I don't say anything back. I wave to her and she heads down the street. I walk inside my house to see my mom standing in the kitchen.

“Hi sweetie how was your day,” she asked, smiling.

“It was fine mom, but I'm tired. I'm gonna head upstairs,” I said. 

“Okay I will let you know when dinner is ready,” my mother replied. I threw my bag on the floor and plopped down on my bed. I lay there until dinner was ready and after I ate I took a shower and went to bed.

Catie talked the whole way to school.  When we walked in the first person I saw was Joey. He is the guy I have liked since junior year. He is just so mean to me and I have never understood why. He is one of the “popular” boys. He and his group of friends walk around like they own the place. Everyone at my school avoids them in the halls. I have just liked him forever and I do not think I will ever get over it. 

“Good morning girls,” Joey said. Why is he talking to us? He never talks. Catie and I both ignore him. That was a mistake because he then stopped in front of us.

“That was not polite. You guys should say good morning back,” he snarled. 

“Good morning Joey,” Catie said. I still don't say anything. 

“You're free to go Catie. Alice stay here,” he said. Catie walked away and kept looking back at me. Joey still stood in front of me. All of his friends started to laugh. They were all piled up in the corner watching us.

“Are you going to say something to me?” Joey questioned.

“Fine! Good morning,” I snapped. He got out of my way and Catie was waiting for me. 

“What just happened?” Catie asked.

“I don't know,” I said. Catie knows I have a crush on Joey but I told her multiple times not to talk about it so we never do. 

The school day went by slowly. This wasn't surprising to me though because it always does. I saw Joey in the hallway again on my way out so I avoided walking his way. The car ride was the same. Catie and I just talked about our days, but I had nothing good to say. When I got home I lay on the couch. I was watching a show when my phone buzzed. When I checked it was a message from Joey. He was apologizing for what happened at school today. I didn't know what to say. He has been mean to me ever since I can remember. We have never gotten along. His apology seems sincere. I decided to just leave it alone and go shower.

The next morning when I walked into school Joey was waiting right inside the door. He grabbed my arm and told me to meet him by the bathrooms. I did not want to. I was nervous that if I didn’t he would do what he did to me yesterday, so I decided to meet him. I told Catie and she told me I should go as well. I walked over to the bathrooms and he was already there. I had no time to prepare myself. 

“Alice I need to tell you something and I don't want you to say anything until I am finished,” he said. I just nodded and let him continue. 

“I want to just get straight to the point. I like you and I have for a while. Me being mean to you is my of trying to hide it and I know that is messed up,” he said. He continued talking, but I didn't hear anything else after that. I was so in shock. I couldn't tell if I was happy or not. No, I am definitely happy. I waited for him to be quiet.

“I like you too,” I said smiling. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He grabbed my hand and we started walking toward the lockers. Everyone gasped when they saw us. A popular guy with a girl like me. When Catie saw us she squealed and would not stop smiling at us. Everyone was smiling and talking to me. I don't know what is happening, but I don't want it to stop. I walked over to Catie.

“I guess the rest of high school won't be so bad after all,” I said while looking over my shoulder at Joey.

The author's comments:

I normally like writing mysteries but I wanted to change it up for this piece. This piece is about high school and I can relate to the main character a lot. I am sure other teenagers can relate to her too. I think teens will also just be able to relate to my piece overall. 

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