A Tail of 2 Wishes | Teen Ink

A Tail of 2 Wishes

September 15, 2022
By JosueV_11 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
JosueV_11 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a Friday morning the triplets Kodak, Gus, and Larry were in their science class. On Fridays the class always does experiments. However since it was the triplets birthday they didn’t feel obligated to to pay attention to the instructions the teacher was giving them. Finally when she was done explaining everything everyone began their experiment. The triplets not paying attention had no clue on what to do and neither did they care. They just began playing catch with the GLASS beaker. Gus, not being the brightest person on the planet, decided to do not the smartest thing in the world, which was throw the beaker as hard as he could to his brother Kodak. Obviously Kodak didn’t catch it. He just watched as the beaker dropped to the floor almost like it was moving in slow motion till it hit the ground and broke. They laughed it off but one person who didn’t laugh was the teacher, she was infuriated. She yelled “ ALL 3 OF YOU ARE GETTING ZEROS AND I’M CALLING Y’ALLS MOM.” They each begged the teacher to not call home. “Please i’ll behave”

“It won’t happen again”

“Just give us one more chance”

The teacher didn’t feel an once of remorse and proceeded to call their mother. When school ended they got in their moms car and not single word was spoken. It was so quiet it seemed like the car had been completely sound proof. Finally when they got home mom told them “I had such a huge surprise y’all but y’all can’t seem to act right no matter what. You are all grounded I will call you all when it is time to cut the cake.” 

 “This is the worst birthday ever” Kodak said

 “I’m so tired off mom always being so uptight it was just a beaker”

 “ I don’t want to see her for a long time she’s annoying”

 “Life would be so much easier without always having someone on our tale twenty four seven”

“I don’t know about y’all but I know what I’m wishing for” 

Later that evening mom called them down. “Come down the cake’s ready.” Dad just got home in time but he also had the same expression mom had. Disappointed. They sang happy birthday but when it was time for them to make a wish they all 3 in a cohesive manner wished for the exact same thing. “ I wish mom and dad never existed.” They closed their eyes and blew the  candles out *whoooooooooooo* They all went to sleep and to their surprise when they woke up mom was not home. “Maybe she’s just running errands”

“No mom wouldn’t ever let us miss a day of school for anything.”

“Oh well no school for us”

It was the next day and their parents still weren’t home. “Guys what did y’all wish for when we blew that candle.” In sync Gus and Larry said “ For mom and dad to never exist.” 

 “Guys I think our wish came true because every family picture we took with mom and dad they’re not in the pictures anymore.” 

“ Do y’all know what this means”

“ FREEDOM” they all exclaimed. They got to stay up as late as they wanted, everything was going swell. About 4 days later they were all sick because they weren’t getting any rest, they had no more clean clothes to wear because they didn’t know how to do laundry, they were failing every class and everything had gone horribly wrong. They were feeling beat down. They missed their parents and finally realized all they wanted was what was best for them. With no money to work with they took a backpack and went to the store. They stole a cake and candles without getting caught. They got back home and set everything up. All 3 wished for the exact same thing once again except this time they were wishing their parents back “I wish mom and dad would come back to us” and that they did. The first thing they did was run and hug their parents as tight as they could. Mom and Dad were still confused about what was happening. They were still grounded but they were ok with it as long as they never lost their parents again. Love your parents always.

The author's comments:

I'm Josue an 11th grade student I play football and love my parents!

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