Envy | Teen Ink


September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Rosalino slowly anchors his bow. The cold winter breeze brushes his face as he aims his
bow at the deer not far in front of him. Before he could release his arrow, another arrow zips past
him and implants itself into the side of the deer. He looks over and sees Valentin next to him. An
autonomous man with an austere attitude. “It was mine,” said Rosalino, exacerbated. “Does it
matter? Now help me carry it back to camp,” said Valentin. Rosalino noticed a snake next to
Valentin ready to strike. He remained silent wishing it would bite Valentin, but before it could
strike Valentin had already moved. Valentin began skinning the deer and Rosalino followed right
behind. Every time Valentin skinned an animal a vivid image of all the passengers he saw dead
the day their airplane crashed and left them stranded in what felt like a never ending island
played in his head.
As they got back to camp, Valentin was welcomed by his wife, Yadira. Rosalino saw this,
dropped all his things, and went straight to his hut. “What took so long?” asked Yadira. ‘We
dawdled a lot along the way,” answered Valentin. “Nonetheless we made it back and we brought
food,” Valentine said, as he set the deer they killed earlier down. “That’s great. Let’s make a
fire.” suggested Yadira.
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As Valentin was getting a fire started and Yadira preparing the food, Rosalino came out of
his hut. “I’m going to look for obsidian,” stated Rosalino and left before they could say anything.
Yadira looked over at Valentin, confused. “Why does he need obsidian? We have enough knives
already.” said Yadira. “I don’t know,” said Valentin with a concerned look in his eyes. Rosalino
was one of the pilots flying the plane Valentin and Yadira were in. They discovered each other a
few days after the crash. Valentin and Yadira were out looking for food when they stumbled into
Rosalino. He could barely stand, he was hungry, and dehydrated. Valentin and Yadira took him in
and cared for him.
The food was just about ready when Rosalino returned. In his hand was a long piece of
obsidian. Almost the full length of his hand. “What is that for?” asked Valentin. “I’m making a
dagger.” replied Rosalino, with a smirk on his face. “A dagger? Why do you need a dagger?”
asked Valentin. Rosalino remained silent. Valentin remained silent. Valentin asked again but this
time with a louder tone. “Does it matter?” asked Rosalino, mockingly with a terrifying smile on
his face, almost laughing. Rosalino sat across from Valentin and started chipping away at the
obsidian, making a sharp edge. With every crack the obsidian made, Valentin’s patience grew
thinner and thinner. Until finally, Valentin had enough and was going to confront Rosalino.
Yadira saw this and interrupted Valentin. “Let’s eat, she suggested. “Yes, go on,” he said. “Are
you going to eat Valentin asked Rosalino. “In a little i’m almost done with my dagger. You enjoy
your last meal.” Rosalino said. Valentin paused. “What did you say?” asked Valentin, shocked.
Rosalino stood up and locked eyes with Valentin. “You think you know everything, but if it
wasn’t for me you wouldn’t last a day out here. Rosalino teased. Valentin chuckled. “When we
found you, you were half alive. You’re lucky we didn’t leave you out to die.” exclaimed
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Valentin. “Calm down. Why don’t we just have something to eat?” said Yadira, pulling Valentin
back. Valentin took her and brought her behind him. Rosalino was fidgeting with the blade of the
unfinished dagger he was making. It was shaped like a long arrow head, but with only one sharp
side. Valentin pulled out his knife and told Yadira to stay back. Suddenly, Rosalino charged at
Valentin with the obsidian blade. Valentin couldn’t react in time and was stabbed in the chest by
Rosalino, but luckily it didn’t pierce all the way in. Valentin struggled but managed to push
Rosalino back. The blade was still embedded in Valentin’s chest. Valentin noticed his knife on
the floor in between him and Rosalino. Both of them rush to get the knife. Rosalino gets there
first and picks up the knife, but Valentin comes in and knocks him back. Causing Rosalino to
drop the knife. Valentin goes on top of Rosalino and starts punching him. With every hit
Rosalino gets closer and closer to fainting. Finally, Rosalino stopped moving and Valentin
stopped, stood up, and walked over to Yadira. “Are you ok?” he asked. “Yes, I'm fine.” replied
Yadira, relieved. “We should take care of your wound,” said Yadira.
Yadira and Rosalino began walking toward their hut when Rosalino came up behind
Yadira and pulled her away from Rosalino. He held a knife to her neck and threatened Valentin
with killing her. “This is between me and you. ``Let her go!” Valentin demanded. “Or how about
I kill her and watch you suffer before killing you.” Rosalino said. “You won’t hurt her.” Valentin
said. “How are you so sure?” Rosalino teased, and pressed the knife harder against Yadira’s neck
causing her to bleed. “Stop.” Valentin pleaded. “Why are you doing this?” asked Valentin.
Rosalino stood silent for a moment before answering. “Because I'm tired of living in your
shadow,” said Rosalino. “You always did everything better than me. You still have your wife.
You don't know what it’s like going years without seeing a familiar face.” shouted Rosalino.
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“We’re stuck on the same island trying to survive. It doesn’t matter who does things better.”
Valentin said. “Now please let her go.” Valentin implored. “No!” Rosalino howled. “I want you
to feel what I’ve felt all these years.” said Rosalino. He lifted his arm to stab Yadira in the chest,
but she took Valentin’s Knife she picked up earlier and stabbed Rosalino on the side of his leg.
Rosalino cried in pain and let go of Yadira. Rosalino took the knife out of his leg and threw it to
the side. He rushed toward Valentin with his knife in hand. Valentin grabbed Rosalino by the
arms and threw him over his shoulder. Rosalino lands on his back and drops his knife, but
immediately picks it back up and stands up. He kicks Valentin up against a tree and tries to stab
Valentin. Valentin grabs his arm and grips his neck trying to avoid getting stabbed by Rosalino.
Valentin diverts Rosalino's hands behind him causing the knife to go into the tree behind him.
Valentin acted quickly and yanked out the obsidian blade stuck in his chest. The pain filled his
body and was so immense it paralyzed his body for a second. He took the blade and stabbed
Rosalino in the neck. Rosalino stared at Valentin with fear in his eyes and stumbled back until he
fell back dead. Putting an end to everything.

The author's comments:

Teenager in Pasadena, Texas. 

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