No motivation to celebrations | Teen Ink

No motivation to celebrations

January 28, 2022
By Anonymous

I put my head on the cold window of the bus feeling the vibrations run through my head dreading the beating that I thought was for sure to come. As We get off the bus I feel the cool fall air as we step on the soft grass field. We go through warmups and stretches feeling no motivation to play. It felt as if all energy had been stricken from my body. To make matters worse we found out the refs were going to be late. So we all sat around waiting to get this game over with. As we waited I found that it wasn't just motivation I was missing, it was a lack of confidence not just in myself but my team. It had been a rough past two seasons for us warriors not a win in two years so I thought all hope was lost.  Suddenly The other team ran by us in warm-ups and anticipation filled the air. After a while, The refs finally showed. Now  It was time for the coin toss so me and my teammate Luke Robinson stepped up to the center of the field. Then the ref throws the coin in the air. I call heads, I watch as the shiny silver coin slowly Rotates in the air. After that, the ref catches it and puts his hand over the one with the coin then takes it off and he calls heads. That means we are on offense first.


Soon After, Our team huddles up as our quarterback calls out the play; it's a run to the left. Then I get on the line waiting for the ball to snap, digging my cleats into the soft grass. HIKE. Soon after I sluggishly ran towards my man to make the block so the running back could get by. As I put my hands on the player's rough feeling jersey feeling the hard pads underneath he gets right past me due to a lack of energy and effort. He makes the tackle. I felt my heart drop in my stomach knowing that was my fault. I hear my coach yelling from the sidelines “what is going on with you today Frye.” The next play was a pass to me. However, It was fourth down. As anxiety was building up in my stomach I lined up. then I waited patiently for the ball to snap “ready go” the quarterback yelled… Right after  I pushed off with my back foot as my cleat dug into the soft Grass then I ran my route almost perfectly and I'm wide open. After that, I look at the quarterback and he looks at me. He reaches his arm back and throws it.  As I look at the ball spiraling in the air getting closer and closer to my arms I can tell it is going over my head so I jump up, throwing my hands in the air when I feel the smooth leather as my hands wrapped around the ball. Then a player simultaneously wraps me up and tackles me. I fell to the ground and here the big clank of my pads hit the soft grass. Once I opened my eyes as my body filled with ache, a ringing noise filled my ears. Then I opened my eyes to no balls in my arms. as I look over and see the ball next to me as my heart drops into my stomach. when the sound of the other players patronizing me rang through my head over and over embarrassment filled my body sucking up all my confidence. Then I get up and hear my coach call me. soon after I go over to the sideline. “What's going on with you today you're not playing like yourself,” he says. initially, I stare at him not knowing how to respond. It felt as if all my skill and experience had been sucked out of me. 


 Eventually, It was the end of the half and no one had scored yet.  Before long Our coach gave us a talk and said how we can win this game. “We just have to want it” those words ring through my head as I question it. “All they do is run to the outside so we have to contain it.”  He says putting a little pressure on me because I was an outside defender. Suddenly I had come to the realization that I was being selfish. I saw how much the other guys wanted to win and I wasn't pulling my weight to make it happen. I wasn't being fair to my team. They were giving it their all and I just wasn't So I decided to do whatever it takes to win the game for my team. Meanwhile, The second half was off to a great start when we scored a touchdown on the first play. It was now. 7-0  The other team could not get past our defense. We were working like a well-oiled machine. Once  It felt as if for the first time we were working as a team. I became a little more confident. Then We got in the huddle and the Quarterback y’all’s z hitch. As I go to the line and dig my cleats into the soft dirt. I hear the ball snap so I push off with my back foot, run up 5 yards and cut back. I look at the quarterback and he is rolling around to my side so I plant my foot into the ground and turn around the other way. Then the quarterback and I make eye contact as he throws the ball. then I watch the ball as it's spiraling through the air, aware of the ball getting closer and closer. At last the ball goes right into the pocket of my arms as I tuck the ball into my side and run. It felt as if I was running in slow motion. After running for what felt like forever I see a big lineman come hurtling at me. as he lowers his shoulders I close my eyes to embrace the hit. I hear a big clank of the pads and get knocked down. suddenly  I opened my eyes to Luke Robinson standing over me cheering while helping me up. After this and making other tackles I felt like I had redeemed myself and returned to the confident player I was.


Finally, in the last quarter, the score was 14-0  and our lineman was begging to get the ball. At Mariemont, we have a tradition where in the last game the linemen get to catch a pass or run the ball and the skill positions get to play on the line. Soon  it was Paxton Frailey's turn to run the ball and I was on the line. as I get down and dig my fingers into the dirt feeling the dirt getting caked inside my fingernails. Then I look up and see who I have to block and my heart drops. He's huge. Soon after I heard the ball snap and I pushed outward and tried to block the giant in front of me. Paxton runs a few years and gets tackled and we are all just having fun as a team. Suddenly  I had forgotten that I did not want to come to the game in the first place. At last, The final buzzer came and it was official we had won for the first time in two years. My helmet slid off like butter because of all the sweat and we ran over to the sideline and we picked up the heavy jug of water and poured it over our head coach's head.  right after I studied  his face, scared of his reaction he turns around and starts laughing. I sigh in relief. On the bus ride home, we celebrate by blasting music and cheering. Even though it was just one game we felt as if we were on top of the world and I never wanted to come down, soon I couldn't help but to think, a few hours before I was dreading the game. I was so glad I did because it has become one of my favorite memories. I know I will never forget this and carry it with me through the rest of my football career because it was the moment I learned I shouldn't just play with only myself in mind. I should be aware of what the other players may want. I may not have wanted to play that game but others did want to win and I didnt want to provoke that. So next time you're playing a sport, in school, or anywhere keep not just your peers but the world around you in mind

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