We Got One | Teen Ink

We Got One

January 28, 2022
By Anonymous

                 First of all, As I jumped out of the car with my best friends, the lingering humidity from the rain washed over me like a wave. It smelled as though it was a fall day, the air was crisp. I stepped onto the soggy, wet grass, and felt as though my feet were sinking in the muddy field.  I started to put on my goalie equipment, first the padded pants, and then the chest pads. The pads felt like they added 10 pounds to my body. I picked up my aluminum goal stick and slowly began walking to the crease. I took my position standing in the metal goal box surrounded by netting on all sides. My teeth were clenched tightly and my body started to tremble, I felt as though I was on a roller coaster. I started warming up by having my teammates shoot small white lacrosse balls at me. When warmups ended, I walked over to my coaches so they could give me a little pep talk. 
“Lily you can do this, it’s not your fault if you let a goal in because something would have messed up earlier in the play.”  My coach’s told me

Thinking to myself, Yeah I got this, I’m not freaking out at all!!  Sarcastic thoughts raced around inside my head. I started the short walk back onto the soggy grass and took a deep breath to prepare for what was about to come. I walked towards the goal with the game about to start. The defenders stood in ready positions and the midfielders stood on the line, waiting to win the ball. The attack players are ready, waiting to win the ball and shoot on the goal.  I was standing in the goal, just hoping that I don’t get hit with a fast-flying ball. The ref blows the whistle and my teammate wins the ball, they all run down the field getting ready to blast the ball onto the other team's goal.  

      After all that, I see a girl coming right toward me, she is going past all of the defenders, and she has a very determined look on her face. Lily, you can do this, just try your best. My coach is yelling at the sidelines for the defense to double team the girl or try to cut her off. I saw a white ball in her stick, no one between me and her. She starts bringing the stick back, about to launch the ball. I see the ball coming right toward me as if it was flying at me going 100 mph.

     Suddenly, I leap to the ball that is coming right toward me. I move the stick to where the ball is about to go in. I saw it flying at me at a fast speed. Lily, you got this, just focus on the ball.  My stick was right there and I looked and saw the small white ball. . I was so happy but I had to keep on playing so maybe we could win! I step back into the goal and keep on playing, hoping I can keep on saving goals. When I went to bed that night I reflected on my day and thought to myself…From my experience, I learned not to overthink things so much, just because then you will just get nervous about it but it turns out that you did a good job in it. 

The author's comments:

I tried somtihing new and was really nervous, now I love playing as the lacrosse goalie!

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