Shredding the slopes of colorado | Teen Ink

Shredding the slopes of colorado

January 28, 2022
By welchmax BRONZE, Cincinnatti, Ohio
welchmax BRONZE, Cincinnatti, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beep Beep Beep, my alarm was going off. It was 8:00 AM and my Dad and I got up bright and early to head out to Colorado. I felt the excitement in my chest because I could not wait to get there. My parents and I got all of our luggage and brought it out to the car to head to the airport. We almost missed our flight but we got there just in time, we got on the plane immediately, and were on our way to Colorado. Once we got to the Colorado airport we got all of our stuff and got on a shuttle bus to take us to the ski resort. It was a very boring 3-hour drive through the mountains of Colorado. As we were in the car I decided to take a nap because the drive was not fun. It was suddenly snowy and cold, and when I woke up I asked my mom how far we were and she said about 15 minutes away, so I was happy that I slept for that long. As we were pulling into the parking garage I got butterflies in my stomach because I saw how big the mountains were. All I saw were huge snowy mountains and ski lifts going up and down. People were skiing on the slopes going super fast. We got out of the bus, went to the lobby, got our room number, and headed up to find our room. 

As we got to our room we all looked around to see what our room was like, it was a nice room. It had 2 beds and a pull-out couch, a tv, and a kitchen. We decided to chill for the rest of the day and ski tomorrow because it was already evening. I could already smell the snowy atmosphere waiting for us outside. We turned on the tv to watch some sports. We all sat on the couch to relax for the night. Suddenly we got a call on the hotel phone saying that our ski rentals were ready. My Dad and I were so excited to get our rentals. It was only about 9:00 PM, but we wanted to get some sleep because we wanted to wake up early to ski as much as possible. I slept great and when my alarm went off I immediately got out of bed, ate breakfast, and showered. When we were both ready we went down to the rental shop to get all of our gear to ski for the day.  When we got our skis and other gear we went back up to our room to get our coats, pants, and other clothes we needed. After we were dressed we headed down to the lifts and up to the slopes.

While we were going up the lift I looked down and all I saw was amazing snowy mountains and people skiing down, it was a great view to see. But while we were going up on the lift I started to feel super nervous to go on our first run. I asked my Dad “What slope should we take first?”

He responded with “I’m not sure, what you want to do.”

So I said, “We could start with one of the easier hills to warm up.”

He replied, “Ok, let's do it!”

When we got up to the top I realized that I had my Go Pro in my pocket, so my dad helped me attach it to my helmet so I could record him and me going down the hill. When he got it all attached we both decided to take one of the easier hills first because this was our first run of the day. Once we were both ready we started down, but this hill was not fun because you got no speed it was just straight down. We planned to keep going up and down on the lifts until around 5:00 PM because that's when my mom made dinner reservations. For our next run, we decided to take the Gondola up which is a certain ski lift that is enclosed and takes you up to the very top of the mountain. From there, you can choose whichever slope you want but you might have to cut through some other trails to get there. When we got to the very top of the mountain we looked down and it was an incredible view. After we were done looking at the view, we got our skis ready and went down. For this run, it took a while because there were so many slopes we had to take. As we were going down the snowy mountain I thought I saw a jump and right when I was close to it I didn't for sure know if it was or not so I slowed down and right then I hit it and went flying and I landed it. After that, we had to cut under one of the ski lifts to get to where we wanted to be. We took a super steep hill down to another lift because that lift took us to the very bottom. As I was skiing back to the lift I felt my boot keep getting looser and looser. Suddenly, as we were going up the second lift we realized there was a problem with my skis. My dad finally saw that my boots were too small for the skis so we had to ski down from the very top which took 20 minutes. When we arrived at the rental shop they had closed at 3:30, and it was 4:00 at the time so we couldn't ski anymore that day. I was so upset because I wanted to ski more. I felt like we had already wasted one day.

 We planned to be at the rental shop right when they opened the next day at 9:30. My dad and I went back to the lodge, took off all of our gear, and headed up to our room. When we got to our room I took a shower before we went out to eat dinner. For dinner, we went to a nice restaurant and I had steak. After we paid out for dinner it was almost 8:00 PM so we went back to our room. Once we got back to our room I decided to just go to bed, because in the morning we were getting back on the slopes. When we woke up the next morning it was 8:30 AM. We decided to just go down to the rental shop at 9:15. For some lucky reason, they let us in early so we could get out on the slopes early. We went into the building, got all of our ski gear, and got out on the snow. We saw that the gondola was opening right as we got out so we were the first ones to take it up. Once we were at the very top we wanted to take a different route than last time so we took a left instead of going right. I was going super fast down this hill but I had to stop because it got super steep. I could hear the icy snow crackling when people skied by. I could feel all of the pressure on my back because this hill was difficult. As I was going down I kept getting the feeling I was almost at the bottom, but in reality, I still had a lot to go. I was on the last part of the slope and I hit a bump and I was so close to falling but I balanced and made it to the bottom and I was so happy. We were leaving early the next morning because our flight was at 7:00 AM. The next day we woke up early, showered, and got ready for the trip home.  We took a shuttle bus back to the airport to get on our flight. We got to the airport pretty early, around 6:00 AM, so we stopped to get something to eat at the airport. By then it was 6:50 and we boarded our flight to go back home. The plane ride was around 4 hours so I tried to sleep for most of it. Soon after we landed in Ohio we went straight to our car because we just wanted to get home. When we got to our car we were relieved because we were so tired so we started the car and were on our way home. Once we got home I said hi to my dog and lay down in my bed because I was so tired from skiing all day long. I will never forget this trip because all the days I went skiing I realized that I can be a better skier if I try my hardest. Also, I am super proud of myself because before we went I was anxious to do it but after I did it I felt super proud in the end.

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Afra ELITE said...
on Feb. 10 2022 at 7:31 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Had a nice time reading this...Keep writing!!!✍🏻 😀 😊