Message in a Bottle | Teen Ink

Message in a Bottle

January 20, 2022
By sofia-001 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
sofia-001 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She walked down the shoreline, the moon reflecting on her pale blue eyes, making them glisten like a mirrorball in an empty room. She stared at the waves that were flowing through the dark blue ocean, mesmerized by them, as she continued to walk. Suddenly, her eyes brought her to something that was bobbing through the waves. She couldn’t yet tell what it was, but she was intrigued, running towards the object as if it was calling her name. 

When she got to the shoreline, she waded into the water, not caring that her pants were getting soaked by the salty ocean. She picked up the object, now aware that it was a glass bottle, and noticed that there was a small piece of paper inside of the bottle. The bottle seemed old, like it was floating around in the ocean for years, waiting for her to pick it up and open it; except she couldn’t open it. The sand was stuck to the rusting cap, making it impossible for the girl’s small hands to pry the cap off of the bottle. 

Her only idea was to walk up past the beach, to the concrete sidewalk, and smash the bottle against the ground. She did so without a second thought, breaking the former silence with the sound of shattering glass and freeing the small piece of paper from its glass bottle. She quickly grabbed the paper before it was carried away by the strong winds, curious to unfold it and read the message.

 It had to be important, she thought. Because why else would someone put a message in a glass bottle and throw it into the ocean for someone to find? 

She sat down at the nearest bench so that the nearby street light would help her to read. She took a deep breath and opened the piece of paper, anxious to finally solve the mystery of what the paper would say. But when she looked at the paper, she was immediately disappointed at what she saw. There was a small message written on the paper, but the writing was smudged so much that she couldn’t read it. She sat there, staring out into the ocean, stunned that she wasn’t able to read the message after all of that work.

 Although she was disappointed by the message's result, she smiled to herself and she got up from the bench and walked home, because the adventure of finding this bottle would be one that she would never forget.

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