Birthday Suprise | Teen Ink

Birthday Suprise

November 4, 2021
By TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

Liz was flipping out! She was all over the place from sky high excitement to rocket high excitement. It was her 12th birthday, a day she has been waiting to celebrate for a while. For her birthday, she always got money tucked in a paper white envelope. 

This year it will be different, Liz kept telling herself in her cluttered head. 

“Liz! Come downstairs, sweetie!” Liz’s mom called from the kitchen, finishing up the last vanilla icing touches on the birthday cake, covered in mounds of confetti sprinkles, exactly how it always was. Confetti and rainbows, they never get old, and still share the happy message of being bright and happy.

“Coming!” Liz shouted from the top of her lungs. She rushed out her bedroom door and ran down the stairs so quickly, you would’ve thought there was an emergency going on. Her loose red hair flew in front of her as she skidded to a stop at the kitchen table. Liz’a green eyes were bright and her smile was as big as half of the moon. Her face was beaming with happiness and joy for the celebrated day.

“Woah! Slow down, Princess, or you’re going to knock everyone off their feet.” Liz’s dad said as he gave Liz a tremendous bear hug, the one that could squeeze the life outta you if you weren’t careful.
“Let - go.” Liz managed to squeak despite her father’s tight grip around her.

“Alright, Princess. Happy Birthday,” Her father said lovingly and released her from his grasp.

“Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea.” Liz’s mother said softly and kissed Liz on the forehead making a dramatic sound to emphasize it.


“Eeew, Mom” Liz complained and then laughed as she wiped the slobbery kiss off of her forehead. Her mother was tall, but shorter than her husband, with a short bob of strawberry blonde hair. Her cheeks were round and child-ish looking, keeping her youthful glow in her dreamy blue-green eyes. Liz’s father was more pronounced and had more sharp features. His jaw was not rounded, and more edged. His eyes were a bright green with very thin lips the color of a light blushing color. His hair was starting to gray in the edges around his ears, but his natural light blonde color glowed on top of his head. 

“So, Liz,” her mother started, fidgeting with her fingers whenever she gets nervous,” we have a surprise for your birthday.” Her mother reached behind her and pulled out a round pink and blue box tied with a white glitter bow on top. Liz’s mother and father waited anxiously as Liz pulled the ribbon ever so slightly for the bow to undo itself. Liz lifted off the lid and removed the wrapping paper. Liz stared and gawked at the sight, and pulled out a small pink and white striped onesie. It was meant for a baby girl . . .

“I’m getting a sister!!!” Liz screamed and danced around excitedly.

Her mother and father smiled with delight and embraced Liz in a hug. 

“We’re so glad you’re happy, Princess.” Liz’s father said.

“Yes, and we’re going to be awfully proud of you. The big sister of the family.” Liz’s mother said softly kissed Liz on the forehead. 

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 28 2022 at 9:55 pm
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

Aww thank you!

Afra ELITE said...
on Feb. 26 2022 at 10:54 pm
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

So sweet!!! Wonderfully written...👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻