Baby Ron | Teen Ink

Baby Ron

May 26, 2021
By PerlaM BRONZE, Tirana, Other
PerlaM BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

   It was a cold winter night, Chiara was standing by the balcony, staring at the first full moon of the new year. She couldn’t get him off her mind, even though she knew she could never be with him. Freddy was her first love, but he left her after he got her pregnant and fell in love with someone else. Even though 5 years had passed by, Chiara day by day wondered why she wasn’t enough and how he could have moved on and forgotten her. She had trusted him so much and was very disappointed. Her entire life had been very stressful and sad for her. Chiara’s family had died in a fire explosion that had happened at her house. Both her mom and dad were at home while Chiara was at school. She was twelve when that happened and learned how to become a young independent woman at a very early age. Her son was all she had now. Her little baby Ron, he gave her the world’s happiness and even though they weren’t financially stable, Chiara always tried to make Ron as happy as she could.  

     The sun finally rises after a long night, she goes out to the farmers market to buy bread for breakfast. As she is taking the coins out of her pocket to pay for her groceries, she realizes she did not have enough money to buy just some bread and cheese, at least for Ron to have. She panics and thoughts rush back and forth in the back of her head, how could she feed her child without any money. The farmer starts shouting and asking her for the money. Women at the market were seen as worthless and were payed no respect, no matter how hard they worked. Meanwhile, a fine rich and educated gentleman behind Chiara walks in front of her, takes out his wallet, and pays the unhappy farmer the rest of his money. He was a tall strong man, wearing a black formal suit, looking around the age of his late 50s, with a very nice and generous look on his face. He looks at Chiara as they make eye contact and he smiles.    
He smiles and asks, “What’s the name of your baby? He looks very cute!”  
Chiara answers: “Thank you, kind man, thank you very much for the money! Oh, h-h-his name is Ron.”  
    Then the man asks her why she didn’t have enough money and if there was any way he could help her. Chiara told the man what had happened with the father of the baby, that he had left them. The man was disgusted by what the father of the baby had done. He offered Chiara a job at his business so she could feed her little guy and made sure he would live a normal healthy life. Chiara was so grateful to that man. So, the next week she started going to work and she was great at it. Chiara was very good at her job, and was getting a good amount of money to support herself and Ron as well.  
    Days kept going, and years too. Ron was getting older. He was very smart and was the best at his school. When he graduated high school, he got accepted into one of the best universities with a full scholarship. The gentlemen who had once offered a job to Chiara was getting very old and was in need of finding a new leader of his company. Chiara would always tell his how smart Ron was and that she was very proud of him. The rich man started seeing Ron very oftenly and talking to him about what he wanted. 

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Lydiaq ELITE said...
on May. 29 2021 at 2:48 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.
