An Unusual Morning | Teen Ink

An Unusual Morning

April 20, 2021
By Kansys BRONZE, Saint George, Utah
Kansys BRONZE, Saint George, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I looked out the open window of my truck, taking in the smell of the salty air. It was still dark outside, but if the sun had been out I knew I would see the beautiful beach and the gentle waves of the ocean. I rolled up my window and turned up the music as I waited for my best friend, Kai. The biggest surfing championship of the season was just around the corner and every morning at 4:00am we meet at the beach to train. Usually Kai had to wait for me but today I got to the beach first. I checked the time on my phone. He was 10 minutes late. This was very unusual for him. I already didn’t want to train today so I really hoped he would show up. Every now and then I would accidentally sleep in and he would have to train alone, so I was afraid maybe that’s why he was late. I sent him a text asking if he was going to get to the beach soon. I waited about five minutes before deciding to call him. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer, but he didn’t pick up. This was really unlike Kai to sleep in and not answer my calls. I hated working out by myself especially in the dark. I decided to give him another 10 minutes to show up and if he didn’t then I would just go home and workout there and maybe even surf later that day. This day was really not starting out the way I had planned. I waited the 10 minutes and decided to call him one last time. He still didn’t answer so I left him a voicemail explaining that I had decided to go home. It was a long drive home from the beach and the road felt endless and boring. I finally rounded the corner to my house and I saw a car parked in front of it. I instantly recognized the car as Kai’s. I quickly pulled up my driveway and parked. I hopped out to see what he was doing here, but as I walked up to his car I saw that he wasn’t in it. I decided he probably went inside my house, and as I walked up to the door I noticed a note was taped to it. I quickly read it and followed the simple instruction which was to go to the backyard. 

“Surprise! Happy birthday Leila!” Kai and many other of my friends shouted. As I looked around I saw that they had decorated the backyard with string lights, lanterns, streamers, a huge banner wishing me a happy birthday, and there were smoothies for all of us.

“Oh my gosh! You guys really didn’t have to do all of this for me! Thank you!” I exclaimed.

“It was all Kai’s idea,” my friend Leah told me. I could believe he went through all this trouble for my birthday. I ran up and gave him a huge hug. 

“This is the best birthday ever!” I told him as I grinned from ear to ear

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