Hope | Teen Ink


October 29, 2019
By leomatsumoto BRONZE, Cupertino, California
leomatsumoto BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He was the CEO of an upcoming company, making millions of dollars a year. He was a quiet, independent man who always wanted more, the better, to do everything in his power to help his mother. As a child growing up he didn’t have a father figure in the house, his dad constantly in and out of jail, they didn’t have much money, struggling to pay the bills. But there was one thing that would relieve the stress of his home life and it was football. He was an outstanding player, going into his senior year he had been offered many scholarships to big name schools until tragedy hit, he had gotten into a car crash leaving his whole lower body paralyzed. All of his scholarships were gone no one wanted him anymore. A few weeks later him and his mother were notified that his father had died in a fight when he was in prison. He felt lost, like he had no place in this harsh society. He was just about to end it all, until he saw the bills on the table that his mother was trying to pay off. Over $400,000 in debt he knew he had to do something, his mother supplied for him, he knew he had to do his part. Working 15 hours a day, and studying hard he had finally gotten into a good college with the money to pay for it. After graduating he created his company, now very successful. But even still he is fighting against mental illness. With his mother sick at the hospital, he didn’t know what to expect, he never knew what to expect his whole life. He always wonders what his life would be like if his father was there for him, if he never got into that car crash, if he just lived a “normal life”.

The author's comments:

In this set piece, I was practicing on describing a character and making the reader feel what it is like as this character. I like this set piece because of how I incorporated this person's past to describe how he is like now.

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