Small acts | Teen Ink

Small acts

April 30, 2019
By RitaPierce BRONZE, Doylstown, Ohio
RitaPierce BRONZE, Doylstown, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
One cannot be brave who has no fear

“Click, click, click” my footsteps echo in the hallway as I head to the gym. I slowly get closer to the door, I can see the disco lights and I can hear music. I drag the heavy doors open and am struck with a foreboding feeling then I see them James, Charlie, and Arthur standing by the punch bowl. School dances are supposed to be fun a way to motivate kids to do well in school. But to me the less time I have to spend anywhere near those three the better. I try to sneak past the snack table to my usual hiding place, underneath the bleachers. Then I hear three sets of footsteps coming near the bleachers. I quickly exit and try to get lost in the maze of people. Grunts echo behind me as the three boys elbow their way over to me. When they reach me Arthur puts his arm around my shoulders saying “Sam buddy we found you, what do you say to having a talk with us in the hallway eh?” “S-sure Arthur.” I say as they drag me out into the hallway, once we are clear of the dance floor (and all witnesses) they drop the act. “So loser have you been avoiding us? I wonder why.” Arthur says with a sneer. “Oh oh Arthur I know, its because the homework he did for you got you a B+ not an A right?” I grimace, that small act of rebellion may very well be my last. “That's right James, and what are we gonna do about it?” “Well we gotta teach him a lesson right Arthur?” Author begins to nod and his ugly sneer gets wider as he pushes up the sleeves of his tux and winds up his fist. I brace for impact and am glad I did, they break my glasses, give me a black eye, and break my jaw. Once they finish with my face Arthur has Charlie hold me up and he punches me so hard I hear cracks coming from my ribs. The air quickly leave my lungs, and then all at once they drop me and run away. I manage to lift my head and I see Christina Jones 6 time state boxing champion standing over me looking furious. She looks down at me, smiles, and offers her hand, which I gladly take. 

She brings me to the nurse's office and helps the nurse bandage my ribs and jaw. I stay there overnight and when I return to my class the next morning, I hear that James, Charlie, and even Arthur were found bloody, battered, and with quite a few broken ribs. I am shocked until I leave the school and see Christina waiting for me. She smiles and says “I wasn’t able to properly introduce myself last night I’m Christina Jones, and you can be sure that those boys will never bother you again.” My jaw drops and she continues saying “Can we walk home together?” I nod furiously and think to myself Maybe my life will be better now.

-Five years later Samuel Bailey Davis has become one of the youngest people to ever graduate from Harvard, he says he plans to become a brain surgeon and marry his girlfriend Christina Jones who as he says is “the only reason he didn’t end it all in his 7th grade year at the age of 13”, Mr. Samuel Davis will surely make many advancements to the medical world, we are truly blessed to have such a bright young mind on our team.-

The author's comments:

I think this is a anti-bullying peice it just kinda turned out this way. I would love any and all critisizm  on this piece

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