Met a Kevin | Teen Ink

Met a Kevin

December 21, 2018
By kevin801 BRONZE, Stockton, California
kevin801 BRONZE, Stockton, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

2018: I met beautiful girl named Maralla, died stephen hawking for the disease lateral amyotrophic sclerosis at the age of 76.

2017: I came to this school for the first time and met many friends who today I almost do not speak, Discovery of a new mostly underwater continent Zealand in the South Pacific announced in research journal "GSA Today".

2016: I came to the United States for the first time, Brexit referendum: United Kingdom votes to leave the European Union.

2015: They operated on my foot, Real estate mogul Donald Trump launches his campaign for US President.

2014: My dad taught me how to drive a car and motorcycle, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 with 239 people loses contact and disappears, prompting the most expensive search effort in history.

2013: I was playing with some friends on the street and I fell down and scratched my whole arm and I got a lot of blood, Calcium deposits were discovered on Mars by NASA's Curiosity Rover.

2012: My dad bought me the skateboard I wanted so much, Scientists detect evidence of light from the universe's first stars, predicted to have formed 500 million years after the big bang.

2011:I bought the playstation 3 and the following year came playstation 4, luck mine, 9.0 magnitude earthquake strikes 130 km (80 miles) east of Sendai, Japan, triggering a tsunami killing thousands of people and causing the second worst nuclear accident in history.

2010:They put a pencil in my mouth, Earthquake occurs in Haiti killing approximately 160,000 and destroying the majority of the capital Port-au-Prince.

2009: I fought at school and I bled a boy's nose, Barack Obama, inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America, becomes the United States' first African-American president.

2008: I was moved to another school called Claudia Lars College, Barack Obama became the first African-American to be elected President of the United States, defeating Republican candidate John McCain.

2007: We were playing in my school classroom and smashed the blackboard in one fell swoop, Apple Inc CEO Steve Jobs announces the iPhone.

2006: I learned to write, North Korea conducts its first nuclear test, with an estimated yield of between 0.4-2 kilotons.

2005: I learned to read, The Kyoto Protocol comes into force following its ratification by Russia.

2004: I could eat solid things, Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook from his Harvard dormitory room.

2003: Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates during reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts babysat my babysitter.

2002: they started giving me baby bottle, U.S. invasion of Afghanistan: US conventional forces first deployed as part of Operation Anaconda.

2001: I learned to walk for the first time, Wikipedia to free Wiki or content encyclopedia is launched by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

2000: I’m born in August 09, United States Supreme Court releases its decision in Bush v. Gore.

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