December 20, 2018
By Anonymous

March 15 2009, 01: 20 AM

Dear Diary,

Today I saw something disturbingly disturbing. I am afraid to sleep, horrified about the thought of dreaming about that hideous lady. People say that she is just a legend, they call her the Restless Killer Witch. I can’t believe I’m going to say this but… now I know she is real. The legend says that when you presence her she comes after you and I am afraid she’s coming for me, for anyone who sees her will die in the most horrible way. The legend says that there is no way I can get rid of her, so I accept my destiny. I can’t tell anyone about tonight, and even if I did tell anyone no one would believe me. I am starting to wonder if I’m going insane… Since I cannot tell anyone I guess I might as well write it here. You are a diary and you have no voice so there is no risk that you will tell anyone.

Okay so here goes nothing I guess…

I was hanging out with a few friends at the beach, we were all around the campfire telling scary stories. Then out of nowhere I heard a sharp shriek. I asked my friends if they heard that, but they just looked at me like I was crazy. I tried to shake it off, but no matter how much I tried, that horrible sound kept coming back to me, and all these scary stories were not helping me forget. As I was starting to repress the memory of that sound, I heard it again, but 5 times louder. At that point, I stood up, shaking.

“What the heck was that ?! Did you guys hear that?!” I yelled at my friends, fear took over my whole body.

“What was what? What are you talking about? I think the stories are getting to your head…” said my friend Mike.

I stared at them incredulously. I knew what I had heard and I also knew I wasn’t crazy. As afraid as I was, I decided to go check.

“Yeah, you are probably right, Mike. I think Imma go take a walk and chill out a little bit. I’ll be right back guys.” I knew for a fact that the stories weren’t getting to my head, a simple story cannot make me imagine such a horrible sound.

“Do you want company, Jess?” Miley asked me, her face twisted with concern.

“I think I’ll be alright… thank you though.” I answered with the best smile I could manage.

“Alright, call me if you need anything.” And with that Miley sat back down and they continued telling stories.

Hesitantly, I walked away from them. Everything around me grew darker and darker with every step. As I got closer to the woods my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Suddenly, I heard a bone chilling sound.


I whirled around frantically. The noise had come from the woods so I scooted closer. Something that felt like cold fingers ran down my back, sending chills throughout my whole body. I turned around, expecting to see one of my friends behind me, playing a trick on me.

“Guys this is not funny. Where are you?” As I spoke I walked farther into the woods, waiting for them to jump out any moment. But they didn’t. I came upon a clearing when suddenly I spotted it. A figure sitting in a chair, facing me, with her head down, looking at something laying on her lap. The moon illuminating her. My eyes grew wide with realization. On her lap was a head of some guy I didn’t know and in her hands was the heart. Then suddenly I noticed something disturbing. In her mouth were the fingers of the man she killed.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and threw up due to the sight. She looked up and that is when I realized… she had no eyes. She growled at me, showing her overly decayed teeth filled with blood. My feet turned into jello and I collapsed. As soon as I fellI knew I had to get out of there, so I stumbled to get on my feet and I ran. I had no clue where I was going but I just ran as fast as I could. I could hear her right behind me, her stanch reaching my nose. Through the woods I saw light and so I ran to it. Finally, I exited the woods and the stanch disappeared. I don’t know how long I was in the woods because my friends were long gone, so I had no choice but to run home.

I am now home and I am typing this down, not because I want to, but because this is the only way. I can hear noises outside my house, and neither of my parents are home. I am completely alone and I’m afraid. I hope I am now safe. I lied earlier when I said nothing can save me. You have saved me, because now you know. I tried to warn you in the beginning not to read this, but you are stubborn. Now she’s coming for you. Do you hear that noise? Yeah? Well, that’s her. She has no eyes, but she is watching you. Good luck getting rid of her. Oh wait… nope, it is too late.

The author's comments:

I really like scary stories, so I definitely enjoyed typing this. Enjoy :)

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