The Dog | Teen Ink

The Dog

March 1, 2018
By Anonymous

The Dog trotted through the frozen forest toward a flickering light that was a soon to be discovered as a time machine. Walking through it without worrying it then were sent into a spiral of blacks and whites.

Hunfried smoked a cigarette in the terrible downpour of rain, turning his trench into mud and his magazine that he was reading into a soggy falling apart piece of cheap Polish paper. He wiped his face and looked up at the sound of marching feet of a platoon in the trench marching.

The constant crackle of random gunfire from the distant Polish town kept him awake and alert in the blinding dark night of Eastern Poland. Then, through the sporadic gunfire in the distance he heard the barking of a dog near the entrance of his trench.

He stood up off his box chair and peeked over the trench edge, seeing a dog that looked like his twin. Hunfried had blue eyes and golden blonde hair and the dog had nearly the same, though some black material that looked like oil was attached to its fur.

Hunfried snatched it up and pulled it into the trench quickly, scratching its head. He knew it was illegal to have a pet in the war and he’d most likely be executed if found. However, he was most likely going to die anyways as the Poles were planning on launching a counter-attack.

Holding the dog in his hands he decided on a name, the name of the first soldier he killed. Reginald. It yelped as a mortar shell exploded in a blown out building only a mile away, collapsing what little structure remained.
Hunfried carried the dog into his bunk and hid it under the bed, near his personal safe. He then laid down on the bottom bunk, dragging the neat but dirty sheets up to cover him. The single light bulb shook as bombing raids commenced on the nearby town.

The next morning Hunfried was thrown into the frontlines, the Pole’s charging toward the trenches with the few tanks they had. He fired his rifle as fast as he could, trying to keep himself alive. Soldiers next to him fell, bloody and lifeless.

If he had the chance, he’d make Hitler pay for what he’d done to Germany’s people. Turning them into warhawks and sending every single person he could off to fight where they could.

As a young man collapsed with three 308 rounds in his chest, Hunfried stared at his pale dead face. It was his face. If he didn’t get outta the warzone soon, he knew he’d be one of the unburied soldiers in the trenches.
He continued fighting until the whistle rang from the Polish side, the sound of them retreating thundered through the air. It was a defeat for them. Heavy losses were inflicted on the Wehrmacht soldiers however.

Hunfried, after reloading and cleaning his rifle went back to his bunk to rest. That’s when he spotted Gundolf holding Reginald in his arms and looking around angrily. That’s when Hunfried made his choice. He would desert the army and fake his death, then assassinate Hitler for all of his crimes.

That he did, He put his name tag on a dead body with his rifle and uniform and left into the Polish wilderness. The dog’s influence was somewhat driving him mad. It also made Gundolf an angry man.

Within weeks of Hunfried’s desertion the Civil War within the Germany military began. The dog influencing Gundolf’s decision to attack Hitler loyalist.

One night however, while Hitler was in his own private room in Austria he was dressing himself up to talk about the war. That’s when Hunfried snuck out from the curtains and shot him dead.

With Hitler killed, Hunfried went back to the army under a different name. Finding out that his dog had been killed during an attack on the Gundolf camps. The Corruption was over, but history was forever changed.

The author's comments:

Love to read about WW2, and all of history in general. Thought it be cool to do an alternate WW2.

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