A strange Sailors Reality | Teen Ink

A strange Sailors Reality

May 26, 2016
By JakCross SILVER, Cedar Hills, Utah
JakCross SILVER, Cedar Hills, Utah
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing is true and everything is permitted.

So I was playing in the yard and I heard my mom yell.        “Jaaaak come in for dinner!”                   I ran in as fast as I could, ready to eat the lasagna my mom made for me and after dinner the stories mom tells me every night.         “How was playing pirates dear?”         “Mom, I don’t play pirates I live as a pirate.”      . “Ha-ha oh sorry how was living as a pirate?”             She said while pulling out the lasagna, my favorite        “It was awesome!”          “What did you do today, Captain Jak?”                  I sat down near the table and started eating, and then I told my mom.    “Well today we sailed across the sea taking what ships we could, and asking them if they wanted to join our blacken crew, and those who wouldn’t we’d send them down with their ship. But then we ran into a deserted island and found buried treasure, but then the mermaids tried to take it away from us so we had to fight them off.”       “Wow sounds like quiet the adventure, I suppose after all that excitement you wouldn’t want to hear the story tonight.”          “No, no I still want to hear the story.”      
“Well then, captain eat up quick and go take a salty bath, then head off to your quarters and I’ll be in to tuck you in.”          “Right away queen of cutthroats.”
I finished eating my food, and then I ran up to my bathroom and got in the bath pretending to be a sailor floating in the ocean. Fighting off sharks and coming aboard the privateers boats, pretending I wasn’t really a pirate. After I was done I brushed my teeth and got in my pajamas, and then I got into bed. Then mom came in and tucked me in then she started telling me another story, but this time it was a whole new one, one I haven’t heard yet.    “So captain tonight I’m going to tell you a legend you never heard before.”   “Tell me so I might go and see if the legends are true.”     “Ha-ha well I’m sure you’ll find this story hard to swallow captain, and it’s no legend. It’s about your great, great grandfather, his name was Captain Tory.”    “You mean we have an actual Captain in our family.”     “Oh but of course we do, in fact we come from a long line of captains, but Captain Tory was the greatest of them all. He was a privateer, but he gave it up for pocket lint to become…..a pirate. He could see that his government was no longer a jest one he began to take down his former government, ship by ship, soldier by soldier, politician by politician, though he was also a fair captain. He gave his enemies a chance to surrender, and if they spat in his face he would attack without mercy or remorse. He knew he was doing God’s work and though his government hated him he was a hero amongst the people. He was a gentleman to the women, a friend to the men, and a kind man. To his enemies however he was a relentless bloodthirsty cutthroat. And though many cursed his name he did his best to do what he thought was best, without hurting those he loved. And he grew old and died on his ship still fighting for his belief. Even though he was branded a pirate he was the greatest soldier of the sea, the sea has ever had sail across her.”  “Why are you telling me this story mom?”      “Because I see a bit of Captain Tory in you Jak, you’re brave and you do what’s right, you do what you must to follow our father in heaven doing your best to make him bow with pride. And I know every time you are the captain I know you are your father smiles on you too.”   “Do you really believe I’m making dad salute me, and smile with pride?”    “I know so sweetie.”          “Good night sweet dreams Captain.”        “Good night mom.”          “I love you.”           “Love you too mommy.”              And just as I was about to fall asleep, I saw an old man appear on the foot of my bed. He made me jump a little but as I took a closer look at him I could tell that he was a salty sea goer. He was holding the pipe in his mouth in one hand and his hat in the other.      “Who are you?”          “Ah your finally awake lad it’s about time, come on throw on your clothes, and grab your hat it’s time to go.”                    Slapping his knee and struggling to hoist himself up.      “Wait I’m not going anywhere with a strange old man. Now who are you? If you don’t tell me I’ll scream.”           “You don’t know who I am mate? You don’t recognize your ol grandfather. Well then let me introduce myself. My name is Captain Tory.” He told me excited and bowing with his hat held out from him. “It’s time this sea dog teach his grandson how to be a proper sailor, and captain. Now enough with the toddling and tea follow me.”
I put on my pirate costume and ran out with him and he pulled out a lantern form his trench coat and blew into it then it sparked to life, lighting the night around us. We walked to the peer and he waved his lantern 3 times and a schooner appeared. And he said with the same old growly grin.  “Come on lad its time you start your adventure as a true sailor.”

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