My Own War My Own Hell | Teen Ink

My Own War My Own Hell

May 2, 2016
By HistorianTyler BRONZE, Argos, Indiana
HistorianTyler BRONZE, Argos, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I am Private Gibson of her Majesty's Royal Marines. I'm unsure where to start.It's cold, wet, and dark. I feel pain all over. Trying to remember how this all started, Yes, lets start there. Johnson, and Abet, they were here, running with me into the explosions. Men screamed, such a horrible sound is mens screams. We enter another trench. Sweep and clear. I've killed five men today. I didn't know them. The didn't know me. I'm moving fast through the trench now. Sounds boom overhead and I have to stop to kill more men. It smells painfully of rot and the air tastes of iron and powder. We stop, time slows, then Abet is down. Withering and screaming, then silence. Abet is dead. I'm stunned as the next round hits Johnson. He doesn't make a sound as he falls. Men then just start falling around me until I'm alone. I see the Shooter now, I take aim, pull the trigger. Another man dead, avenged my brothers. More men rush in. I run out of the trench. I feel a lot of pain. A blinding flash stops me. Now I'm here. Thinking, breathing, bleeding, dying. The rounds ping around me. I feel like sleep is over taking me. I've done my part now I can rest. Now I can die.

The author's comments:

My love of history and old wars throughout time had inspired me to write this story. It hilights a soldiers last minutes before he slowly dies on the battle field. I hope that people walk away with a better understanding of how the person in my story and actual soldiers feel and react to every action that has to be done during times of war.

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