Breaking Bread Throughout History | Teen Ink

Breaking Bread Throughout History

December 18, 2015
By jakeb12 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
jakeb12 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scene 1: Poland, autumn of 1929

It's Friday night and the Goldberg Family is getting ready for Shabbat. Rabbi Haim and his two boys, Yankie and Shlomo, just left for Shul and Esty and her daughter Rachel are getting the table ready. Earlier that day, Rachel made challah with her mother for the first time so she is very excited. Rabbi Haim and the two boys get home. When they walk in, an aroma of fresh bread flows through the air as they sit down to a magnificent white table cloth and fancy silverware. Rabbi Haim says the blessing over the wine and the family then all get up and wash their hands. As the family sits down, Esty takes out the bread from the oven. It's magnificent. The bread is placed in front of Haim and he says "Our Praise to You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of the Universe, Who Brings Forth Bread from the Earth". Everyone then answered "Amen". He breaks the bread.

Scene 2: Auschwitz Concentration Camp, winter of 1942

It's a dark and cold Friday night, Esty and Yankie Goldberg sit with each other trying to keep warm. They cry every Friday night because they miss their family very much. There specific barrack in the camp is different than most. This barrack has all different types of people, fathers, mothers, children and grandparents. Most Friday nights, they just all sit there and sing the Shalom Alechim and then go to sleep, but then after they sang, someone runs in. This man who was super skinny and had snow all over him reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of bread. He then said with all his might "Our Praise to You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of the Universe, Who Brings Forth Bread from the Earth". Everyone then answered "Amen". He breaks the bread.

Scene 3: Lower East Side of Manhattan, spring of 1952

It's a cool and pleasant Friday night, and the sun is about to set over the Hudson. Yankie and his two sons, Josh and Adam Goldberg, are going to Shul for Friday night prayers. His wife Sarah and their daughter Sophia are lighting the Shabbat candles. They live in a small cramped apartment, so the smell of the fresh baked bread loaves is incredible. Yankie returns from Shul and they sit down at the table with the entire family. He says the blessing over the cup of wine and they all go and wash. Everyone goes and sits down and Yankie gets the bread. He says over the bread "Our Praise to You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of the Universe, Who Brings Forth Bread from the Earth " They all answer "Amen". He breaks the bread.

Scene 4: Englewood, New Jersey, summer of 2015

It's a hot and humid Friday night, Adam Goldberg and his son Jacob and his father Yankie invite guests into their massive home for Friday night prayers. His wife Shani is getting the food ready. She puts in the bread that they bought from Sammy's bakery in the oven. After prayers, Adam talks to his friends about the baseball game that happened last night. After a few minutes, they walk them outside. The Goldbergs then go and sit at the table. There is gold silverware and a magnificent white table cloth. Adam says the blessing over the grape juice and they go and wash. Shani then takes out the bread and places it in front of her husband. Adam then says "Our Praise to You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of the Universe, Who Brings Forth Bread from the Earth ". Everyone then answers "Amen". He breaks the bread.

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