Undercover | Teen Ink


October 21, 2015
By ClashOfClansLover_5 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
ClashOfClansLover_5 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
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Those nasty little Redcoats are trying to do horrible things to us. That British Government wants to take our money for themselves. “It’s just taxes,” they claim. It sure is taxes if those soldiers are in the streets killing innocent people. General Washington has been gathering an army. Any able bodied man was persuaded to join the army. Little did that British scum know, his army was getting larger and larger. The British had an even bigger army. Things were not looking good for the America.
I was persuaded to join General Washington in the fight against the British. Short after enlistment, I met General Washington himself. He looked at me in the eye and said,” I need you to go behind enemy lines and steal whatever information they have about us.” Shortly after that, I was sent to training. Training was rough. We were training at every hour of the day. Our rations weren’t even enough to feed the pesky little rats that lived on the streets. Little did we know that this training was really going to help us in the fight against the British.
It was a normal day in Boston. The sun was out and merchants were in the streets selling imported goods from the other thirteen colonies. The ships were moving in and out of the harbor like they do every day. On this day, there was a ship that caught my eye that was pulling into the harbor. Nobody really paid it any attention because ships are always pulling into the harbor. It had a really weird looking flag on its mast. I walked around to get a better look at it and panic went through me like a speeding musket bullet. The British Soldiers. They started piling out of the boat in groups of twelve. There had to be at least 120 of them. Each of them was carrying a loaded rifle on their shoulder. I started to have doubts if we are going to make it out of this war alive.
General Washington stood tall on his horse and said,”Today is the day boys.Today is the day that we fight. Everyone should know their role. The spies need to come with me to get your information and materials.” Everyone manned their stations. The spies went with General Washington. After recieving our new clothes, we took a ship to England. We were supposed to enlist in the British army and remain there until they left for America. If we slipped up, it would probably be execution. Our entire country was on the line.
The shipped pulled into the harbor. We unloaded our things and headed towards the British camp for enlistment. Soldiers were lining the streets, ready to leave for battle. The army camp was just the same. A few soldiers were in a field shooting bags stuffed with straw for target practice. There were more learning hand to hand combat. None the less I knew that we were going to have trouble fighting against the British.
The British training was nowhere close to being as hard as American training. The British only trained three hours a day and their meals were about twenty of our rations put together. This was one weakness that we found. If they are too slow from all the food, then we have an advantage. That night I went to my sleeping chamber and wrote a letter to General Washington, telling him all that I had seen. I gave the letter to the postman the next day so he could deliver it to General Washington. Maybe this could help the Americans in the war.
We were all sound asleep in our beds when the general busted through the door shouting,” We must leave now. Pack your things. We have to get to America by tomorrow.” Everyone got up and gathered their things. We began the march to the ship. We put our bags on the cargo deck. We strung up our hammocks and continued to sleep. Whilst everyone was asleep, I got up and tried to find any information that the British have on us. My first thought was to check the Captain’s Quarters. As I approached the door, I heard voices. It was the Captain and the generals. They were talking about the American army. The Captain said,” They are just too large. I don’t know how we are to defeat them.” One of the generals cut in and said,” we have to cut off the head of the snake. I say we assassinate General Washington.” The Captain and the other general agreed. “I have to warn General Washington,” I thought. I returned to my hammock with worry.” I have to warn him,” I think,” I just have to.”
We arrive in America the next day. As soon as the ship touches the dock, the soldiers pile off the boat. As I was exiting, I noticed a large amount of British tea on the top deck. When I saw it, I knew what I should do with it.
We set up camp on a hillside right outside of Boston. From our position, the Americans could easily ambush and eliminate every single Brit. Later that night, I snuck out to tell General Washington about all the things I have seen and heard. The second I saw him, the first words to come out my mouth were,” They are trying to kill you.” He stood in shock. “That’s impossible,” he said. After I explained to him about all that I have seen. I returned to the British camp. I went to sleep, awaiting the next day.
The next day, we started training. It was nothing different than how it was back in England. We had our usual giant rations, and then relaxed for the rest day. We were sitting around the campfire later that evening. We then heard gunshots ring out. A few of our soldiers dropped to the ground. Everyone was scrambling to find their weapons. As I turned around to join the Americans, The British general was standing there with a gun to my head. He said, “ I know about your doings.” That’s when, “Booooom.”

The author's comments:

I am really interested in the Revolutionary War. I hope people feel amazed because this is something I'm interested and I hope other people will be too.

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