Jeff and His Tale of the West | Teen Ink

Jeff and His Tale of the West

April 30, 2015
By Maximilian Ochocinski BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
Maximilian Ochocinski BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jeff and His Tale of the West
There once was a town in the west called Old Stump.  A man and many others lived there. This man’s name was Jeff.  Jeff was a sheep herder, and not a good one at that.  He was an un-wealthy man but he did have a women ,  Well, at least until she left him for a man that was rich, good looking, was good at shooting ,and had a mustache.  To have a mustache was a symbolism of being wealthy.  He went into town the next day when a group of bandits came and threatened the town folk to give them their valuable possessions or they would we killed.  The leader of the bandits Billy collected the possessions while his crew surrounded the town and shot people trying to flee the town.  All the town folk were in a line handing their valuables to Billy for their lives.  Jeff had nothing to give him, so when it was his turn to give something a gun was pointed at him.  Jeff said, “Don’t kill me I can give you more than anybody here can. All I need is a week.”  Being a treasure lover, Billy accepted Jeff’s offer. At mid-day when the sun is above us we will meet at the stump.  This stump was in the middle of the town and was why the town was called Old Stump.  This week allowed Jeff to learn to shoot.  When he practiced in the desert a few miles away from town an Indian tribe surrounded him. In fear he dropped this revolver and froze.  The chief stepped forward and started talking in a foreign language to another man.  When Jeff recognized the language he started explain why he was there and that he meant no harm.  The chief and the rest of the tribe believed him and thought he was trust worthy because he spoke their language. They invited him to a grouping around a fire, Jeff came to the fire.  At the grouping a potion of some sort was passed to everyone to share.  They let Jeff go first to see his reaction to it.  The potions make you hallucinate and find your true destiny.  His destiny was to become a rich sheep herder and a hero to someone.  The others saw the hallucination threw an image that appeared in the fire.  They decided to help him when he told them want he was going to do.  They laced his bullets with rattle snake venom. On the day he was due his money he went to the middle of the town and stood near the stump.  He looked in the sky.  The sun was overhead.  Nervous as he was he gulped.  Then Billy came down the road. When Jeff was approached he said he didn’t have the money.  Billy pointed a gun and c***ed it to his head.  Jeff asked for one thing before he was shot. He asked to have a dual.  Billy was the best shot around and was the best at duals so he accepted. Billy always shot on two.  Jeff heard this from a friend of his and shot on one.  The bullet hit him in the arm not in a deadly spot, but the venom laced to the bullet went into his blood stream and he dropped dead. The town folk cheered and he became rich famous and a hero to everyone in the town.

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