Stans bombing survival | Teen Ink

Stans bombing survival

November 18, 2014
By LordSpectrum BRONZE, Oak Creek, Wisconsin
LordSpectrum BRONZE, Oak Creek, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am free"

December 7th, 1941. Most unforgetful moment of my life. Pearl Harbor bombed in Hawaii, and as Sergeant Stan Jordly, I was terrified. I thought I was invincible. I believed in myself. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor after getting angry while in discussion with U.S.

-December 7th, 1941.

It was an ordinary day as I worked at Pearl Harbor. The general was doing one last check. “Everything is in shape, Gen-“
“Good…” he replies, staring me down with a stare that made my heart sink.
“How is the discussion going?”
“I don’t want to talk about it…” He answers with anger.
As I work at my station, I start to hear sharp loud noises, like usual, but   these are much louder than usual, like someone setting off a blow horn right next to your ear. All of a sudden, I hear a big BANG as the entire back part of the building gets squashed.
I instantly sprint outside to see fire and explosions, like big hands smashing everything. My heart jumps to my throat. As I run, a huge piece of wood scrapes all the way up my leg to the bone and I fall to the ground. The pain is like getting hit by a car.
As I sit there, I think of how everyone there seemed selfish. I realize I do not have many friends. I still have the energy to crawl to safety, but all the blood and accepted the fact that I was going to bleed out. I start to pass out, just as I see a truck pull up, and instantly thought I might still have a chance. They pull me in, and drive me to the hospital.
When they got me to the hospital I was saved. I went from believing in myself, to almost dieing and giving up. I now always will believe in myself and be careful in the army.

The author's comments:

In this story, it is an event that happened in history, but the character is completely Fictional. I created him myself, and he experiences a horrific event and survives.

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