Too Soon To End... | Teen Ink

Too Soon To End...

December 4, 2008
By Anonymous

“General Kaleen, Sir… Sargent Hale just passed away.” I’ll have to remember to fire that messenger, but I couldn’t get the words out quick enough. I guess he knew what was coming. Sargent Hale was like my right hand man, my best friend. He was also like the brother I never had. I knew I would grieve over him for quite a while. If I ever live that long. As much as this hurts, I have to tell the headquarters. “HQ we just had Sargent Charlie Hale pass…” “Ok, we will send backup.” Replied the rugged voice coming from the rusty caller. I always knew that one day something tragic would cut through my life like a pair of large scissors on a thin piece of paper. I was torn up in many ways. I just couldn’t live this way anymore! I don’t even know how many times I have attempted something horrible to ruin my life worse than it already was. I would deliberately hurt myself, but I would never feel any of the pain. I guess I loaded myself up with a drug that’s why. But know I matter to no one. My wife that I had irrevocably loved died about a year ago now. She was the most gorges thing that ever existed! She was 22 at the time like me, with a swimmers body and biceps of a professional wrestler. She had long and lush reddish orange hair with full curls lining the outer rim of her face. She always mated on make up but that just made her even more astounding. I also never got her. She died after “accidentally” jumping in front of a transfer truck on highway 27 and before they lifted her up into the air she told me to watch over her baby. I had no clue what that meant. “BOOM” a loud crashing sound then broke my flashback. “General Kaleen we have been hit! They have found our underwater hide out!” “Ok gather every solider in this submarine and get them safe! “ “But Sir…” “No buts, I could care less about myself just get them safe Cadet!” Another loud boom then shook the whole ship. Then, I saw a big flash of red light come before me and water flooded everywhere! The next thing I knew… no more General Hunter Kaleen. “BOOM!”


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on Jul. 24 2017 at 5:06 pm
df2bawesome SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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"Miracles are like pimples because once you start looking for them you find more than you ever dreamed you'd find" ~Lemony Snicket

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