Vietnam War | Teen Ink

Vietnam War

June 11, 2013
By jpak123 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
jpak123 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Vietnam War

“Boys! Let’s go!” screamed Sgt. Nelson eloquently. “This is war, not a game!”

After that 17 hour-long flight, they finally arrived to Vietnam. Christopher, Jason, and Michael, part of team four, were all trembling with fear.

It was 2 years ago, after graduating from high school, they joined the army. They had trained and trained all day preparing for war, but ever since they went to training camp, they feared of killing a person.

Battlefields were eerie; they knew they had to slaughter others in order to survive. Sergeant was right; war was not a game, it was life or death.

Everyone in the aircraft was in a team. Michael, Jason, and Christopher were all ready to do what was necessary to keep themselves and each other alive.

“Dididididididididi!” there were gunshots that were being shot from below. It was the Viet Congs.

“Everyone get down! We are being targeted by the Congs! Grab a parachute and your weapons from the arsenal! Jump out and deliberately shoot everything below us! Team four get the two bases to the east! Everyone else get the bases to the west! Go!” berated sergeant intrepidly.

The aircraft went down. Jason, Christopher and Michael all jumped out of the aircraft and fixated their parachute so they could fly. As they looked up they saw nothing but the beautiful sky. The problem was no other soldiers came down with them.

There were many Congs on the ground. They shot left and right, killing all of them without any injuries. Jason, Christopher and Michael were all specialized army men and knew what they were doing. They were all in their mid 20’s and were trained when they were only teens.

As soon as they landed, they were flabbergasted at the sight of about 50 soldiers surrounding them. The Congs took them out using tranquilizers. They were arrested and taken as hostage.

“Hey. Can you guys hear me?” Whispered Christopher with a weak voice.

“Yea,” answered Michael

“Uhhh... Yea. This is Jason. What happened?” Muttered Jason.

“I’m not sure,” replied Christopher.

They were in a cooped, dark room with no lights and they couldn't even see their own fingers. They were starving and they were tied up. Escape was near impossible.

“I think I got a knife. Let me check,” wearied Michael. Michael looked through a hidden compartment in his shirt. With his hands still tied together, he shook his shirt and a pristine, bleak knife came down on the floor. It was as sharp and clean as broken glass. Michael was sitting next to Christopher. They helped each other to the knife and they sliced open the rope.

They were all free from the ropes after they had cut it. They needed to make a plan so they could get back home alive. If they remained, they would be grimly tantalized and probably killed.

They talked about a plan that they should quietly beat up the next guard that they see and go Rambo from there. There was no point in sitting there doing nothing. They should at least try to get out alive.

The guard turned on the light and saw 3 guys on the floor. As he was about to leave the cell, Jason quickly covered the guard’s mouth and put the knife around his neck. He made a sideways slash movement and the man fell down on the floor. They stole his gun and ran straight out the door. There were many guards in the base and they shot right and left slaughtering and hearing them bawl. They quickly ran into a forest and saw no guards. They were safe.

In the middle of the woods with no food or water, they had to think of a way out alive. This was a battle of stamina.

“Where are we?” Asked Michael.

“I'm not sure,” Replied Christopher.

They traipsed through the forest looking left and right watching their each and every step. The wind was calm, blowing from the east to the west. It was warm in vietnam and heat was burning them. They needed water. They had to stop dawdling around before they start to get famined and thirsty. They were sweating a lot, and losing all that sweat could only mean death.

Chick Chick, They reloaded the gun hearing nearby footsteps. They got ready, kneeled, and shot through the woods. They heard nothing but footsteps.

Boom! Thats when Christopher all of sudden stopped moving. Blood was oozing out and was disseminating all over his body. Christopher looked once at Jason and once at Michael, then fell to the ground. Jason quickly turned around and saw a guy with a gun. He swiftly took the guy out, but Christopher was in deep pain. There was a hole in his chest where the bullet went through and the chances of survival was slim.

“Guys, go on with... (Cough) out me. I don't have that much time, tell my bunny that I love her and please help her out. Thank you for all the help,” Christopher coughed with a slight smile. He slowly closed his eyes and his heartbeat stopped.

Both Jason and Michael were furious. They scrutinized Christopher's body one last time. Michael was sniveling and wiped off his tears.

“I'll kill them all!” Michael gouged out the words.

“Calm down, it happens,” Whispered Jason.

“I swear, I’ll wipe out all the Congs!” roared Michael doggedly.

Jason shoved Michael into a tree and yelled, “If you don’t calm down we might end up dying too, so shut up!”

They ran around shooting people one by one. As they kept moving forward, they came upon a nearby Vietnamese base. They detrimented the whole base and were ready to kill all the Congs. They took out almost everyone, hijacked a helicopter, and contacted the U.S. Military through the radio.

Jason was astute at using machines and vehicles. He easily and swiftly maneuvered the helicopter through the meek midnight sky. They were on their way home.

It was around dinner time and the sun was setting. The sky was a bright red color and it was a peaceful night.

They saw the military base and Jason was brandishing his hands giving them a omen they had arrived back to the base safely. Sgt. Nelson waved back telling them to come over where he was standing.

“Great job team! Although the lives of many soldiers were devastated and banished, it was for the right reason. I’m sorry for your loss. He did it for the greater good, but I'm glad that you guys made out alive and completed your mission on destroying 2 Vietnamese camps,” announced Sgt. Miller.

“Thank you very much sergeant,” Yelled the two young men with the brightest smile.

They returned back to New York City, where they lived for the past 2 years together. They were roommates at an apartment and were cronies. Jason went alone to Christopher’s house and reported the rueful news to Christopher's girlfriend. The three of them were all very close and he told Christopher's girlfriend that if they need help, they’d be there for her.

Things have changed over the 5 years they had been at war. They walked around the city and noticed people wearing different clothing. People were wearing tight clothing, short shorts, and bell-bottoms. The two of them thought about buying a new T.V. and walked into Best Buy. There were many T.V.'s with sport channels on. They figured out that the Knick's won the NBA Finals and the Marlins won the World Series.

“Yo! You looking for something?” asked a worker at Best Buy.

“Yes, we just got back from Vietnam and its been awhile since we've been back to the U.S., but I've heard that you guys just started to got popular and was just checking out the prices on T.V.'s,” replied Jason

“Dream on! It’s hard for me to believe that, but if you did, that’s far out. And yeah, we just started to get popular and we have great prices on T.V.'s,” responded the worker. “We got this new T.V. on sale would you like to buy it.”

It was a big T.V. that was twice the size of their old ones. They received the T.V. and got a taxi back home.

The years went on, Jason and Michael went their separate ways. Every few weeks they would meet up and have a beer together, reminisce about the past, and talk about the future. They both smiled and were happy to be back home; a place they were free.

The author's comments:
Before We Were Free
This narrative relates to before We Were Free because both stories had characters that weren't free. In the Vietnam War, the team was held under hostage and in Before We Were Free Anita and her family was under a dictatorship. The theme of Before We Were Free is always fighting for freedom. Both the main characters of each story fought for freedom even if it meant life or death.

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