Michael Jordan Life Story | Teen Ink

Michael Jordan Life Story

November 28, 2012
By marquece crawford BRONZE, Franklin, Tennessee
marquece crawford BRONZE, Franklin, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Michael Jordan

High School Season

Michael Jeffery Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. When he was very young, Michael and his family moved to Wilmington, North Carolina. Michael is the second youngest of his mom and dad five children. Michael Jordan did not make his high school varsity team as a sophomore, the varsity coaches felt he was too small and not good enough to play at varsity level. They felt he was better suited for the junior varsity team. Michael was very angry, but he kept practicing hard, and it really paid off. In fact, in his first season with the J.V. team, he averaged 25points per game. Between the 10th and 11th grade, Michael grew 6’3. Because he had improved as a player he made the varsity team and got to play with his older brother Larry. Michael played so well in his junior year that he was invited to attend the five-star Basketball camp in Pittsburgh during the summer before his senior year. Michael won 10 trophies at the camp, including two MVP awards.

College Season
Michael achieved his goal and he earned a college basketball scholarship to the University of North Carolina. He wasn’t expected to become a star at (UNC). His coaches thought he had a chance to be a good player, but not a great one. In his first practice game, all doubts about Michael Jordan’s talent quickly disappeared. He made in awesome dunk in his coaches in his team mates were shocked. Michael Jordan head coach Dean Smith later put Michael in the starting lineup at guard. It was an honor to Michael Jordan because only three freshmen Michael had ever started for Coach Smith at UNC. Michael sophomore and junior season he led the NCAA in scoring, and was also named college player of the year. Shortly after his junior season he had a big decision to make, should he leave college before graduation and turn pro? Michael’s mom wanted him to stay in school. Michael argued that playing another season of college basketball would not challenge him, and that becoming a pro would mean his family wouldn’t have to worry about money. On May 5, 1984, Michael announced that he would forget his senior year and enter the NBA draft.

NBA Season

Shortly, after being drafted third overall by Chicago Bulls, Michael was invited to play on the 1984 U.S. squad to play one of the best Olympic basketball teams ever. Two months after the Olympics, Michael would begin his rookie season for the Chicago Bulls. Michael Jordan's NBA Career Michael burst into the big time with a fabulous first season, earning the NBA Rookie of the Year award. He averaged 28.2 points per game, and had the honor of being the first rookie in NBA history to start in the All-Star game. An injured foot side lined Michael for 64 games in his second NBA season, but he came back late in the season to score an NBA playoff record 63 points against the Boston Celtics. Starting with the 1986-1987 season Michael began a career-long on slaught on the NBA record book. That year saw him average 37.1 points per game, which was the first of seven consecutive seasons in which he led the league in scoring. Michael proved to be more than a scoring machine when he led Chicago to three consecutive championships. After already being considered a legend, Michael retired just before the 1993-1994 season.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this is because im a big micheal jordan fan.

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