The Cruel Caribbean | Teen Ink

The Cruel Caribbean

May 26, 2023
By Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments

The Cruel Caribbean 

          “You're gonna need a bigger boat,” stated Matt as Paul reared into the docks. “There are way more of them than we expected.” 

          “There is no bigger boat, this will have to do,” replied Paul.

          “But, there's no way that fishing boat will be able to fit all these people,” Matt said quietly to Paul as he looked over to the large crowd. 

          “I know, but this is all I could get. Most every boat on the island has already been sunk, we were lucky to at least get this one,” said Paul. “At least we can save some of them.”

          “There has to be a better way, we can’t just leave some of them.” 

          “Look, Matt, we don’t have much time, we need to start loading people onto the boat now. If we’re lucky, maybe we can come back for the rest, before they, they…”

          “You don’t have to lie to me Paul, we both know it’s going to be impossible to come back here after this.” A tear slid down Matt’s face. 

          Paul quickly opened the door to the boat and began allowing people in. Soon, it was obvious that if they allowed any more people onto the boat that it would sink, they had to close the door. 

          “Hey, what’s the deal? What about us?” shouted someone from the crowd. 

          “I’m sorry, the boat is at maximum capacity. We won’t be able to let you on,” stated Paul as his eyes began to glisten with tears. 

          “You can’t just leave us here!” Shouted a different person from the crowd, but their voice was drowned out by the wind. 

         Paul turned away from them and began to power the boat. The noise from the engine and rustling palm trees overpowering the crowd's screams. A man tried to jump onto the boat as it was leaving but he fell into the water. Not even 5 minutes from the shore, even over the wind, Matt swore he could hear gunshots coming from the dock. 

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on Jun. 1 2023 at 6:46 pm
18EvaLuna BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
i love how you use tension to build up the piece and it makes us wonder and guess what’s going to happen.