Pearl Harbor | Teen Ink

Pearl Harbor

May 13, 2019
By Anonymous

On the date of December 7, 1941, a spark was lit under the seat of the United States of America. On that day, America was attacked by the Japanese in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii costing the lives of over 2000 Americans. My name is Rick and this is my story of when I was at the attack of Pearl Harbor.

The sun finally arose up from the horizon. The world around me seemingly still asleep and just as quiet as well. I start to make an attempt  get out of the bed with a leg that almost feels like static is flowing through the veins of it. I look around the dimly lit room for any clear signal of where I threw my uniform pieces the night before. Then, right next to me I can hear the bed above my own start to croak as if the springs are about to come out to stab it’s occupant. When i turn however, all I see is Michael; a man with an average height and wavy, longer hair.  He slowly rises from his bed with a face that almost looks like his eyes were closed.

“Why are you awake so early, Rick?” he asked me,

“Well for one, it is the morning and we gotta pull our morning duties.” he slow got off the top bunk and he started to slowly groan

“I need a cup of joe before we do anything I’m too tired for all of this” After Michael and I get our coffee, we check the the clock that sits above the exit of our room. 7:30. By that time it is a fifteen minute walk to the battleship row of vessels. Michael and I run into a man of high stature, with bright yellow strands loosely fitted into his sailor cap. It was other squad member and leader, David.

“Where have you two been you guys are late!” he exclaimed.

“I’m going to the Arizona to start on the duties over there. Finish all that you have to do on the Nevada.”

“Yes sir!”

We walk over to the left as we are between the USS Arizona and the USS Nevada. David passes us walking into the ship on the right as Michael and I, to the left. As soon as we stepped into the massive vessel, we start cleaning the dense, battleship interior. We were moving our way into the center of the battleship by swiftly finishing one corridor at a time. But that did not last long. About halfway to the core, we hear and feel the ground under us almost collapse. I could hear explosions from outside the ship added along with screams. Michael and I both rush to the top deck of the ship to spot what was going on. When we get to the bow of the ship. We see major groups of soldiers running to areas on the ship. They moved to the massive guns of the ships which then started to traverse around almost as if they are preparing to fire and planes on land getting ready to take off. Then, as we looked out. We both saw the USS Arizona’s bow turned into a fireball of debris, and metal. The front of the ship was now into two different sections. Both failing to stay afloat. Michael’s face starts to move. Hie eyes are wide and glassy looking while his mouth resting open as if he saw the impossible happen. He then exclaims

“David was on that ship wasn’t he?! We have to go get to him!”

“There’s no point! The ship is taking water and the chances of him living are slim to none! We have to worry about the USS Nevada and make sure we don’t end up like that!”

I shouted.

“We need to get to the lower decks of the ship!”

I was making my best attempt to shout trying to outroar the noises of gunfire and explosions of ships, planes, and screaming soldiers. We start getting down back inside the vessel, farther away from the outside and into the center. But Before us two are able to actually do anything about planes flying overhead the ship gets shaken at its core and starts to fill with a hazy smoke. And another explosion came to pass but this time it was the back of the boat becoming rubble and ash as a fireball devours the back of the ship. Michael and I both start to get the look of worry on our face. The cabins of the ship are now engulfed in a seemingly untouchable and unbearable smokescreen so thick and dense that it is impossible to see where I am, Where Michael went, or my sense of direction. My legs start to shake and collapse forcefully without my own will controlling them anymore. I start to fade into a sleep that almost seemed permanent. Then it just fades into black. Nothing to see. Until I hear a faint voice coming up to surface as I am in this uncomforting blackness.

“Get the survivors out! See who can be saved!”

Soon all I feel is a violent shake awake as I can feel the hands of someone grabbing my shoulder and yanking me up. I start trying to see who it is as I get up from the ground. It’s Michael. Before anything is said I spot around where I was at. All I see is debris, fallen soldiers, an array of metal splattered across the floor. We don’t say a word to each other and we start to look through the carnage inside of the ship for the exit. Outside of the heavy, metal walls of the Nevada, it seemingly is dead silent. Not a single noise. Not until I left the battleship to see why. All the planes are gone. All the soldiers around moving at a swift pace but with no caution for any attack that can come. The ones who aren’t moving are wrapped in bandages, on AA turrets, or are coordinating the rescues from the ships. Pearl Harbor was attacked. But it is not over for anyone here. It’s time to prepare our own attack. Now it’s time for revenge on those who attacked us.

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