The USSR | Teen Ink


April 30, 2019
By harthur66 SILVER, Hemet, California
harthur66 SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is impossible to live without failing at something ."-JK Rowling

Narrator: In the soviet Union they used the fear that the American people that was spreading to help push forth communism. They said that Democracy was bad and voting was horrible. They used the war to say “Hey if you want democracy. This is what it causes, death.” people actually believed that, they believed that democracy is bad and that there way was better. Not a lot of people believe this in fact a lot of them thought that the americans way was better, they were happier. They thought that life would be better, if they did have democracy, and that is where our story begins folks. A young teenager living, in the soviet union struggling to make these big chooses.

Victor: It's been a couple of weeks since we have been told to choose our side. We either have to join up or run away. It's a tough decision, stay with family or find new people who will hopefully accept you? I don't know what decision to make it's a hard one that I can get with any of my friends or family.

Helega: Victor you need to make your decision.

Victor: I know, I know. It's hard to choose, what I want or the pressure that everyone else puts on me. Be myself or be what everyone else what everyone wants?

Helega: Better chose quick and smart because the train leaves soon.

Victor: I know, I know.

Narrator:Victor didn't know what to do, he paced back and forth for hours upon hours. Trying to come up with a solution this problem. After endless hours he finally decided to leave it was for the best do he quickly packed up his stuff and headed to the train and boarded. Looking back at the life he knew so well, it was a gift in disguise, and n one knew how lucky they were.     

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