The War has Returned | Teen Ink

The War has Returned

October 25, 2016
By BryanIslas21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
BryanIslas21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I destroyed the barrier, yes me, Asriel Dreemurr. I have the appearance of a goat, because I am one. I lived in the underground while all the other monsters got to live on the surface. I am a short little fellow, and I have the best family. My dad is a king and my mom a queen. My dad would always wear a big thing that looks like a robe, that is purple. My mom wears a purple dress with a symbol that had a circle with wings near it with three triangles on the bottom. As for me, I wear a green and yellow striped shirt. I have black pants and big droopy ears. Our family never wears shoes, ever. My eyes are a hazel nut brown, my dad has black eyes, black as they could be, and my mom has a light shade of red in her eyes. I also have a human friend named Chara, she has pink rosey cheeks. Her eyes are an amber brown. She wears the same thing as me, a green and yellow striped shirt with brown pants and brown shoes.
The place that I lived was colorless and dull. If you go into our house, it has a vibrant color of yellow. The throne room is a carrot color with yellow flowers all over the floor. There is a hallway, right before you get into the throne room, it has the brightest shades of orange and yellow. I was finally happy, but after a few days Chara had gotten sick and died. Before they died they told me to absorb their soul and go to the surface to get six souls; so that was our plan to destroy the barrier. When I got to the surface the humans started attacking me. I could have destroyed them but I decided,in the right mind, not too. I had stumbled home, I felt faint, next thing I know everything turned into black. When I woke up, something was off, I wasn't me, I was a flower, that couldn’t feel emotions. I couldn’t let my mom and dad know what I was so I changed my name to Flowey. As countless years went by humans fell and died, my dad killed them for what they did to me. My mom didn’t like what dad was doing, so she left him. She now live in the ruins. One day the seventh human fell the last one we needed to destroy the barrier. They spared everyone even me they helped me become me again. I lied to them and told them I was going to turn back into a flower forever.
It has been 20 years since monsters got to go to the surface. One day when I was in the ruins I felt that something was different. I saw monsters back in the underground. They were badly damaged. Of course I did not let anyone see me. I don’t know how the monsters would react if they saw the king and queen's son. So I decided to stay in the ruins for a while. After that day more monsters were back sans, papyrus, and alphys. Sans was a skeleton, he was a round fellow he loved puns and ketchup. Papyrus was a tall thinner skeleton the is observed with the royal guards. Alphys was a dinosaur lizard monster she was smart, nervous, and wore a white lab coat .On that day I decided to leave the ruins and head to the surface to see what was going on up there. I was as careful as I could be exiting the ruins. I hid in the trees when a monster came near. I entered snowdin a winter place with christmas things everywhere there was an inn, a library, house, shops, and grillbys. When I finally got past snowdin I knew it was going to be more harder. I got to waterfall shortly after I left snowdin.
When I was in waterfall it got more difficult waterfall was a calm peaceful place where monsters could relax. There was water, lights,eco flowers it was a beautiful place to be. The monsters were more crowded because it was safer in waterfall. When I was sneaking around a monster spotted me the monster got closer to me. I was hiding behind a rock. When it was in front of my hiding spot I shut my eyes tight.
Then I heard muffet say in a loud voice “spider bake sale now open for all those hurt and hungry monsters!”
Muffet was an average height she had six arms and six eyes because she was a spider. The crowd of monsters went shooting fast to get a spider doughnut or spider sider. A spider doughnut was a purple doughnut with web designs on it. Spider cider is a drink that taste like apples. When they were all in the corner I ran as fast as my legs to carry me. When I knew I was far enough I stopped running. I found out that some monster had rung the bell to restart a puzzle. So I had to do the puzzle myself to get across to the other side. So I picked up the flowers and placed them in the water I already knew how to do the puzzle so it was easy. Once i got the puzzle done I threw a rock at the bell so the monsters would have to do the puzzle to get across. After a long walk through waterfall I eventually made my way to hot land. When I got to hot land I was sweating the area was mostly orange the lava was low down so no one would lose any feet.
As soon I saw the lab I ran towards it. It was empty I found some leftover food to eat. The food was just some ramen noodles in a styrofoam cup.  After I ate I felt much better my stomach was full I got to relax it was nice. After a little bit I started to leave the lab. Once I was out I started to walk around I found my way to a room. The room was empty there was colorful tiles on the floor. I stepped on a yellow one it shocked me so I stepped right off of it. After that I didn’t really trust the puzzle any more. I touched an orange one it made me smell like oranges. So I liked the orange ones I stepped on a blue on and piranhas attacked me. So I did not step on the blue one when I smelled like oranges. After a long hour of piranhas, zaps blocks, oranges I finally made it across the puzzle. I finally made it to the core. The core was the power source of the entire underground. It was big the rooms were blue with a pink line at the bottom. When I went in there was so much technology room after room. I went on many elevator rides to get to the kingdome where I lived. I had to go up, down, left,and right. I made it to MTT resort where you can rest there was a fountain of mettaton after I left the resort I got to my house.
When I got to my house everything looked the same except the new golden flowers. I went down stairs and followed the path until I reached the place where the barrier used to be. I took a step outside and walked until i saw the village of Mansfield. Then I realized what was going on there was another war. I ran towards the village and saw the Royal Guards fighting the humans. It was awful dust everywhere humans on the ground not moving. I hid in the bushes so I wouldn’t be seen. I peeked my head out and saw frisk. Frisk saw me so they headed towards me. I went back into the bush and cried. As soon as they entered the bush with me they hugged me. I hugged them back and cried more. When they stopped hugging me I told him, what happened why is there another war.
Frisk started to speak in an uneasy voice “It started last week a bad person was attacking a child so a nearby monster stood us to protect the child.”
Frisk continued in a more uneasy voice “ The bad person was able to get to the child the man murdered the child.”
I could see the fear in his eyes.
Frisk continued the story more in a sad voice “ The monster survived the guy ran off and told someone that the monster had killed the child.”
Frisk started to cry and telling more of the story the story “ The monster was attacked and killed.”
I started to cry more because of the story.
After a little bit of crying frisk finished the story with a sad tone in his voice “ After the mayor and asgore found out they both declared war with each other.”
That's why this war is going on. We both saw someone coming at this bush. When they opened the bush we saw who it was. It was Undyne head leader of the royal guards.
“Kids what are you doing out here,” as she said in an angry voice.
Undyne was tense, she was fighting in the war for the past week.
“You two need to get to shelter NOW!” she said in a strong voice.
She picked us both up and started running towards a building while shielding us with spears. She got us in the building where we saw my mom, which has not seen me alive in 20 years, taking care of monsters and children. Undyne has been bringing children and monsters to her that need shelter. I stood behind frisk so my mom would not see me. My mom ran towards us I wanted to run but my feet would not let me. She gave frisk a hug and saw me. Her face was all frozen. She took a step back and started to cry.
“Asriel is that you,” as she spoke in a soft voice.
“Heh heh yeah it is me surprise,” as I spoke in an uneasy voice.
“Where have you been we all thought you were gone forever,” as she spoke in a sad voice.
“I was a flower all those years,” as I spoke in a moody tone.
“Oh well I'm sorry,” a she spoke in a teary voice.
I was surprised that she didn't remember hurting me. I wanted  to help out the,but mom would not let me.
“It is to dangerous out there for a child I don't want to lose you again!” She said in an angry tone.
I wanted to help so bad so I came up with a plan. I told frisk and he agreed with me. Frisk looked around and saw seven people with save points. We both told them how we could stop this war. They agreed to the plan. We all snuck of the building and proceed with our plan. They gave me their souls to absorb. When their souls were absorbed I went into my final form. Once in my final form I went to the middle of the village. The monsters and humans saw me and stopped. The monsters started cheering while the humans shakes in fear.
I spoke to both races in a kind voice “Humans monsters we do not need to start another war it was a misunderstanding a bad man killed the child not a monster so please stop this war for the great or good.”
The humans and monsters had tears in their eyes and started clapping. Everyone started hugging and saying sorry to each other. I gave the souls back to the seven human child's and became little old me. My dad saw me and ran to give me a hug. Dad saw mom and asked her is she would like to get back together. She said yes and dad was really happy.
Everything was back to normal the monsters in the underground came out and there was peace in the land all was good. I got to be with my family again and live a happy life.


(Credit to Tobyfox of the game Undertale)

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