She said Yes | Teen Ink

She said Yes

November 2, 2016
By Anonymous

   Rumpelstiltskin woke up and, getting on his elbows, looked lovingly at the woman beside him. Belle was still sleeping and looked so beautiful. Her hand was stretched out a little from her body, and her head was tilted perfectly to the side. Her breath was even and her eyelids fluttered a little in her dream. Rumple realized he could sit there all day just watching her sleep, and wondering what her wonderful mind was dreaming of. Instead he thought about the present he wanted to give to her and how pleased she would be. He wanted to hurry up and finish it, so he could see her reaction. After giving her a small kiss on her forehead, he went downstairs to the kitchen. He used his magic to quickly make her a nice breakfast, and added a spell to keep it warm until she ate it. He then left through the front door and made sure it was locked, so no one could touch her. He left the car for her, and in an effort to get to his shop faster, disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.
     Belle woke up a few minutes after Rumple left. She could sense that he wasn't there because of the true love magic flowing through her veins. After taking a shower and getting ready for the day, she went downstairs to find the breakfast he had left for her. Smiling at his thoughtfulness, she ate quickly, so she get to Granny's and talk to Ruby. She walked out the door and saw he had left her his Cadillac. She smiled at his thoughtfulness as she opened the door to the car. The engine rumbled when she turned the key, and she drove off to Storybrooke’s favorite restaurant.  
     After Rumpelstiltskin had arrived at his store, he went right to work on the necklace he was making for Belle. The curse, which had recently broke, had diminished some of his magic. Now that he brought magic to Storybrooke, his power was back. He was able to spin the gold chain of the necklace from straw. Since he was done with the chain, he went to work on the centerpiece. The centerpiece was a declaration of his love for her; a diamond ring. He worried that it was too soon, but his love has overtaken him. Slowly and carefully, he works hard to cut the diamond to the right shape.
Belle arrived shortly at Granny’s; the bell tinkled when she walked in. She sat at the counter and waited for Ruby. She came out of the kitchen with a stack of pancakes. “You know just what I wanted,” Belle exclaimed while reaching for a fork.
“How’s Rumple?” Ruby grabs another fork and they dig in.
“He’s good, but he left really early this morning. I think he is upset at me.”
“Rumple is definitely the kind of man to be passive aggressive, you should ask him about it tonight.”
Belle nodded, and after swallowing said “I will.”
The rest of the day passed without any significance. Belle went to work at the library, a recent present from Rumple. A few pursuers came in, but no one checked out anything. Rumple finished the ring and prepared his speech. They arrived home at the same time, Belle’s cadillac pulling into the driveway as Rumple appeared in a cloud of purple smoke. Belle immediately went up to him and started speaking. “You left in such a hurry this morning and I didn’t know if I did something wrong. If I did I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong? I don’t know, but Ruby told me to ask you because-” Rumple put a finger to her lips.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he assured her. He carefully got down on one knee, and tried to avoid putting weight on his bad leg. He pulled out the necklace from his pocket. “Belle French, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
She squealed and gasped. “Yes!”          

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