The Journal Of Deanna Williams | Teen Ink

The Journal Of Deanna Williams

December 8, 2015
By TumbleGirl394 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
TumbleGirl394 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

September 18, 2008
All right, this is my first journal entry, so let’s cut right to the point—this journal wasn’t my idea.  It was the brain child of my wonderful brother Sam.  Apparently, hunting down and disposing of the monsters in our world is, “Very, very stressful, and bad for my health, so I should write my stress away.”  I strongly disagree, but whatever. 
Well, let me start by telling you about Sam.  Sam Williams is my younger brother.  He is six years younger than I am, but he is much smarter than I will probably ever be.  He always really loved school for some reason, even though he didn’t have many friends there.  Sammy, his dream was to go to college, become a lawyer, and escape from the family.  I guess he would have fit in better at college than with my dad and me.  I should also mention that my brother Sam is extremely tall, since that is the first quality most people notice when they meet him. 
I suppose being my journal, you would probably wanna hear about me.  Since I have nothing to do for an hour, I might as well fill the pages to make Sam happier.  My name is Deanna Williams.  I am 26 years old.  I didn’t receive a college education for my job.  You see, I work in the family business—monster hunting.  Most people don’t think that monsters exist, but I know all too well that simply isn’t the case.  Also, don’t think for a second that just because I’m a girl that that means I’m “wimpy” or something stupid like that.  I’m probably the toughest girl you’ll ever come across.  I could tell you about all the vampires and ghosts that my brother and I eliminate, but that would take way too much time.  We’ve been doing this for about six years now.  It used to bug me, killing the monsters.  Now, it’s just another part of the job. 
I still don’t know why Sam thinks that writing will help me.  Thinking about this life tends to simply make everything worse.  I mean, yeah, I could brag about how we save lives, but most days it honestly doesn’t feel like it.  To me, it seems like we lose just as many people, if not more.  Losing people you’re trying to save is definitely the worst feeling I have ever experienced.  It’s worse than any feeling you could imagine if you’re not in our line of work.  I should mention that we aren’t the only people that do this for a living.  There are others out there like us.  We call ourselves “Hunters.”  Maybe I could tell you all about them some other time.  You wouldn’t think it to be possible, but my brother and I have actually made a few friends in the business.  They’ve even helped us out of a couple tough situations. 
I need to get some sleep now.  We just finished up with a rough Vampire case, and even a tough girl like me needs her beauty sleep.  We are making our way to Omaha in the morning to look into a case, and I’m driving first.  One of the only perks of this job is driving my blue mustang around the country, and the last thing I wanna do is crash it because I was too tired from staying up talking to you.

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