A New Beginning | Teen Ink

A New Beginning

October 14, 2015
By Anonymous

As I open my eyes to the glistening yellow sun I hear my parents arguing. I pay no attention to them because I am use to it. I roll out of bed and look around my cluttered room for my outfit that I picked out last night which consists of leggings (preferably a black pair), some combat boots, a floral dress and a beige cardigan. By the time I got down the stairs and got dressed my dad was already gone and off to work. I then walk downstairs and see my mom with her head buried in hands.
“Poor thing...” I said. “Come here.”
I held out my arms for a hug and held her for a minute or so.
“Do you want to talk about this mom?” I asked.
“No…” She said.
I did not want to make her mad so I made myself some cereal. I grabbed my favorite bowl and poured my cocoa-cocoa puffs and milk. I sat and tried to eat my cereal fast so I didn’t have to see my mother crying. I picked up my backpack that was by the front door and I walked out the door to my bus stop.  As I was walking I saw a dim figure sitting on my porch. He was a tall slim male with blonde hair. He was very cute.
“Excuse me. I think you dropped something” He said
I turned around and looked at him I bent over and grabbed what I dropped.
I kept walking because I didn’t know how old he was and he looked like he had bloodshot eyes. Something was suspicious about him and I just wanted to be safe. I kept looking back to make sure he wasn’t following me. And guess what, he was. I grabbed my phone out of my backpack and held on to it so hard my hands were turning white and I ran and ran and ran.
“Hey lady! Get back here and let me introduce myself. I’m Tate Langdon. I’m your neighbor by the way and I didn’t mean to scare you, I swear. I just wanted to talk to you because you seem interesting and I’d like to know you better.”
“Well I’m sorry but I have to go to school.” I said.
A few seconds passed and I was just standing there.
“I don’t even like school maybe I should just skip a day and meet this kid Tate” I thought. Something about him was interesting. The way his eyes looked, the way his hair curled over his ear. The way he talked. Basically everything about this kid was interesting. I want to know him.
“Hey Tate; I changed my mind; I’ll stay and chat with you. I don’t like school anyway.” I said walking back towards him.
“So…” He said. “What made you change your mind?”
“I don’t know “I said looking down at my feet.
I placed my phone back in my backpack and I sat down on the front porch.
“So… do you go to Westfield high school too?”
“Nah, I dropped out last year.” He said.
“I didn’t see a point in going to school anymore. I’m stupid anyway.” He said.
He had a very depressed look on his face like he was going to cry. I almost cried too.
“Hey how bout we do something fun today.” I suggested.
"Hey let's go to the woods behind my house" I suggested.
"Yes!" He jumped in excitement.
We walked and walked for about a half an hour and we finally reached our point.
In the grass I saw my name engraved in a headstone. I wanted to cry.
What am I looking at? I thought.
I woke up with a blasting headache. A doctor is handing me my anti- depressants. 
"Wow that was a really weird dream." I said.



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