Storm Girl | Teen Ink

Storm Girl

October 9, 2015
By Olvera BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Olvera BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Storm Girl
It was a warm and cloudy day in Los Angeles, California. Amy, a fifteen year old girl who just woke up to get ready for school and was excited for school as always. Another day of school! she thought. She got dressed in her favorite purple t-shirt, blue jeans and black converse shoes. She burst down stairs to the bathroom and brushed her straight blond hair, brushed her teeth, then headed to the kitchen.
“Good morning.” her parents told her.
“Good morning.” she said as she walked to the table to eat her breakfast.
“Yes! My favorite! Chocolate chip pancakes and sliced bananas.”
“Made it just for you because remember you have that big math test today.” her mom said as she poured a glass of orange juice for her.
“We need to make sure you eat healthy.” dad said reading his morning newspaper.
“Yep I studied all night for it, so don’t worry. I’ll get a nice big A+!” she said as she finished up her food.
“The bus is here!” her mom said looking out the window.
“Bye mom and dad” she said getting her book bag and heading out the door.
“Bye sweety,” her parent both said.
Amy jumped on the bus and waited till she arrived to school. She got off the bus and headed straight to math class. She sat down and studied until the bell rang. The bell finally rang, RING!
“Hey, did you hear about the big storm coming tonight?” a boy asked his teacher as he headed to his seat. Amy always hated storms. Every time she hear a thunder at night she would head straight to her parents’ bedroom and slept there for the night.
“Ok class, now time to put your notes away, it’s time for the big test! And remember this will count as eighty percent of your grade,” Mrs. Young said as she passed out the test.
Amy’s hands were sweating and her heart was beating faster than a hummingbird. She kept thinking to herself “It's okay Amy you studied all night for this, you can do this.” That did seem to help a little. Finally the test came around to her and she saw the first question and she already knew the answer.
Everything was quiet until rumbling started to happen. RUMMMM. Amy looked outside and she could see clouds forming and twisting. She already knew what it was. Her heart started to beat even faster, she wanted to cry but she was so scared she couldn’t even cry she just sat there.
Amy couldn’t really do or hear anything with the rumbling and the siren that was going on.
“Everyone stay calm, everything is going to be okay!” the Principal announced with a shiver in her voice.
“Are you sure?” Mrs. Young asked Mrs. Sim, the Prinicipal
“Yes there’s no way for us to escape or hide.” Mrs. Sim said.
Amy was still standing there while other kids were screaming under their desk.  She didn’t know what to do; instead all she could do is put her hands up to her face and close her eyes and wait for the tornado to come for her. RRR UMMMMM! The tornado was right there. Amy remembered what her mom used to always tell her,
“You can always blow the evil away.”
Amy knew it was never true but she closed her eyes and blew as hard as she could.
There was silence. Amy opened her eyes and the tornado was gone.
“What happened?” Mrs. Young asked with excitement in her voice.
“I don’t know! I just saw Amy blow and the tornado vanished.” John said, a boy in Amy’s class.
“Amy, did you do that?” Mrs. Young asked in a very quiet and scared voice.
“I don’t know, I don’t think, so” Amy said.
“Well is everyone okay?” Mrs. Young asked.
“Yeah” all the kids said in relief.
“Everyone can go to your lockers and call your parents to pick you up, if anyone is hurt please go to the nurse immediately,” Mrs. Sim said over the announcements.
Everyone got up from under their desk and headed  to their lockers.
“Amy?” Mrs. Young asked.
“Yes.” Amy said nervous to see what she’s going to say.
“I don't know what you did but whatever you did, you saved all of us” Mrs. Young was still talking but Amy had still been thinking about what had happened when she blew the storm away. She kept thinking that maybe she was the hero now, she could use that power to help and save people.
“Maybe we should call you, Storm Girl.” Mrs Young was saying. Amy was listening by then.
“Yeah! Storm Girl, I like that!” Amy said in excitement.
“Okay Amy let's have you go to your locker and call you parents with your phone so they can come pick you up and you can tell them what you did!” Mrs. Young said.
“No! You and me have to be the only one to know about this, no one else.” Amy said strictly.
“Well what about the other kids? They know”.  Mrs. Young said in confusion.
“The kids don't know for sure if I did that or not, they just assume. I want to use this power to help and save people from disasters, but I also want it to be a secret.” Amy told Mrs. Young.
“Okay Amy you have my word, I won't tell anybody.” Mrs. Young said.
“Thank you,” Amy said in relief.
“Okay you should go call your parents now.” Mrs. Young told her.
Amy was at her locker getting her phone out to call her mom when a man came up to her dressed up in all black even a black mask.
“You have a power, use it,” the man said as he handed her a black envelope and walked away.
Amy was frightened at first but then she started to look at the envelope and she didn't know if she should open it or not.
“AMY!, AMY!” her mom was shouting as she ran to her.
“Are you okay?” her mom asked
“Yes mom i'm okay,” Amy stated as she hid the envelope in her bookbag.
“Okay let's get you home and you can rest,” her mom said in happiness and relief.
Amy got home and headed straight to her bedroom, she closed her door and got the black envelope out and opened it with no hesitation. The paper said,
“Amy as you know now, you have many special powers you think you have one but you can also fly, you are very strong but you don't know it.” Amy stopped reading and went to her bed and started to lift her bed like it was a pencil. Amy was very excited to keep reading. You also can have water burst out of your hands to stop fires in buildings but that's all you can use it for. Amy kept reading without trying to  squirt water out of her hands.
“You also have a suit in your closet that's fireproof that you have to wear under your clothes at all times”  Amy got up and opened her closet door and there it was, a long sleeved purple shirt that said Storm Girl with black pants, black shoes and a black mask that covered half her face.
“Wow!” Amy said in excitement.
Amy tried it on and it fit her perfectly. She put the envelope in her her drawer and  ran down stairs with her suit underneath her clothes. She went outside and walked to an alley near her house. She put both her arms up to the sky and jumped straight up, she was flying!
“Help! Help!” a woman was screaming.“Call 911! My baby’s in there!”
Amy looked down and she could see the smoke coming from the lady’s home. She thought about calling 911 but she remembered that she was a hero now and she could the stop the fire and save the baby. She took her clothes off remembering her suit was underneath and instead of flying she ran to the lady’s home and kicked the door open and ran through the fire. She could hear the baby crying but it was difficult to find because of all the smoke. She finally saw a pink burnt  door and knew the baby should be in there. Amy kicked the door open and ran inside and got the baby. Instead of running she covered the baby with her cape and flew up through the roof and to the baby's  mom.
“Thank you! Thank you!” the women kept saying as she was kissing her baby girl on the forehead.
Amy went up to the burning house and put her arms up and pushed like she was pushing a door open and water burst out of her hands.  Amy couldn't feel anything coming out of her hands but she knew there was water bursting out. Amy was amazed how much water there was. Eventually the fire went out and the firefighters were on their way. Amy flew back to the same alley near her home and tested her powers some more. She knew she could blow storms away, put fires out, she was very strong, and she was also fireproof. After a while she headed home,  ate dinner, then went to bed. But the whole time she was excited for whatever disaster came next because she knew she was a superhero now and it was her duty to help and save people for the rest of her life.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 4 2015 at 11:39 am
haileyishmael BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I enjoyed this story because it had a great story line. I loved the powers that Amy had. It’s not a combination seen everyday.